Chapter 49

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Lightning angrily was thrashing about in the cell, messing with the cuffs around her wrists. They didn't budge. The cell door buzzed open and Whisper entered the cell. Lightning growled seeing the one she never wanted to see. "Hey..." Whisper greeted her as she entered. "What do you want?" she growled. Whisper walked over sheepily while holding a tray of food. "I thought I'd bring you breakfast."

Groaning in annoyance, she turned away to sit on the bed. "It's got turkey bacon on it! You know... your favorite?" Whisper told her. Lightning's ears barely perked up and she turned around. "Do you want to maybe take these off? I don't know why they put this shit on me, to begin with!"

"They neutralize your powers. But... you didn't get any did you?" Lightning scoffed. "No. I didn't. That's what happens when your mother doesn't have any power. Then again, you don't even deserve the title of mother in my opinion."

Looking down at the ground, Whisper decided to brush it off and put the food on the desk. She reached over to Lightning's wrists. "Don't touch me!" Lightning growled as she was forced to deal with Whisper's gestures. Whisper used her keys to take them off of her before letting them drop back onto the ground. "Tsk. Don't think that this gives you any brownie points." she huffed, rubbing her wrists.

"Can I be honest with you?" Whisper asked intently.

The room was silent. Lightning was scared to say anything in response to her mother's advances. "I guess there's no stopping you right?" Whisper took a deep breath. She let it out before looking over. "I never wanted you to go... I never wanted to leave you behind the way I did! Every single day I regret leaving you in that town where you had to grow up around so much hostility and violence! Please... I didn't want you to go... I was young and stupid to know what I was doing. Infinite and I... we have our own issues. But that should've never gotten in the way of you and me. I love you Light... Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and your own kid. I'm sorry it's come to this..."

Lightning's aggression lowered seeing how upset Whisper truly was. It didn't even seem like her at first. "Well... I'll probably always be pissed about it. Except, I know deep down you care about me. I guess it's just hard... seeing you work with... them." Whisper rubbed her neck nervously and nodded her head. "I understand. I know things went down badly. I know we had a bloody brawl. Things look bad for all of you. Even so... I want you to know that I've got your back from here forward."

She cautiously put her hands on Lightning's. Both barely flinched but allowed Whisper to remain in place. "I'm... I'm glad you are... That's all I've ever wanted."

The two hugged in the cell. It had been forever since they had been this calm. I'll never let you go again... I'm here for you Light..."


Jet sighed as he lay on his bed half awake. The clock in his cell was an hour behind. He wore a necklace around his neck that had a locket attached to it. The shape was an Eagle's head that had green markings around them. Inside there were two pictures. One was the most current picture of Envy that he had. The other was her baby picture. Envy's mother never wanted her, but Jet refused to give her up. He raised her from the very start.

He traced his thumb across the pictures and sighed. There was no way he was going to get out of there of his own free will. "I love you..." he whispered.

Just then his cell buzzed and the door opened briefly. He looked up to see Wave coming into his cell. His emotions were mixed seeing his best friend on the opposite team. "Very odd seeing you here." he noted while staring her down. "Well... it took a lot of guts to come down here." Wave pointed out briefly. "I know it. You're stubborn but God knows you're not a coward." he said. "I'm sorry Jet..."

Getting up out of bed, he approached her calmly. "Don't worry. I'll never be petty toward you. I can't say the same for your friends." Jet said, a smile forming on his face. Wave couldn't help but return the feeling. Jet approached her, putting a hand on her cheek. "Is my girl okay?" he asked her. "I wouldn't know. Those bastards really thought leaving their kids in your town alone was a good idea. So they're... alone..." she sighed.

Both of them looked into each other's eyes intently wondering what the other was thinking. "You okay..?" Wave asked, interrupting their stares. He cleared his throat and looked away briefly. Wave noticed this. He had the same expression when he was captured. "Look... I'm sorry... I didn't know it would escalate this far. If I had known, I wouldn't have helped them. I would've stayed out of it." Wave reassured him.

Her friend turned around giving a huff. "It's not even that. It's the fact that you helped them during our fight. You knew what we were already doing. Yet, you didn't say anything in our favor.." he replied. "I know! I'm sorry! I should've done something different. I couldn't have done anything before... But I can do something now. I can change their minds Jet! You've gotta believe me!" Wave insisted. "One minute I'm out back at home, then I'm fighting to keep our home safe, and now I'm stuck here. My kids back home wondering how I am. Alone with the rest of them. I've gotta get back to her Wave. I refuse to stay with Mobians."

Wave's eyes ventured down to the ground. She knew he was a little disappointed with her. Obviously, she couldn't blame him. It didn't mean it didn't sting. Wave knew that she'd have to prove that her best friend could trust her once again. It wouldn't be for a long time before he could look at her the same way again.

"I'll be fighting for you Jet. I promise."

"I know Wave. I know you will."

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