Chapter 33

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Everyone waited till morning to say anything to Jet about what had happened. Jet was awake before everyone else and was trying to enjoy some time alone. But his time alone on the porch was interrupted by someone knocking on his porch door. He looked behind him and saw Wave standing in the doorway. "Mind if I step in?" she asked him. "Sure, not like I can stop you. You're going to come in anyway." he replied.

"Fair point!" she said coming in. She leaned against the rail while looking at her long life friend who leaned forwards peering out at the view. "So... What have I missed?" he asked.  "Oh god, so much! It's been so hard without you! You won't believe Mobius..." she sighed. "Lemme guess, they tried to pull a 180 on the Dark Side's kids?" he asked amused. "Yeah, they tried! For a while, it worked. But of course, Gadget's father ruined everything. Not that there isn't anything he hasn't ruined before." she responded. "Well, at least you are not the one ruining someone else's life..." he said.

Her face was concerned and she looked at him. "Jet... what happened? Envy... she said you... you had cancer..." Wave asked. Jet sighed and nodded. "I did... I don't know what Knuckles pulled off but it must've cured me because I'm not in pain like I usually am. I just wish I didn't put Envy through so much trouble..." he sighed, putting his hand to his forehead. "Well tell me dammit! I didn't come all this way for you to be quiet the whole time!" she snapped.

He led her inside and gave her some coffee to drink. But to his, he added a couple of drops of whiskey. Wave noticed this and quietly sipped hers. "Okay, so, cancer! Yeah... It was the scariest day of my life. I don't even know what I did... I don't smoke. But... maybe it's because my gang smoked so much in general. Yet those days leading up to the discovery, I wasn't even outside as much. Envy knew my health was degrading. She was busting her ass off for us. I just... The last thing I remember before you guys woke me up... I remember going to the bathroom cause I needed to throw up... I had blood in my vomit. I was feeling progressively worse. And then I fainted because I couldn't handle it." he explained.

Wave wiped away tears recalling the moment she found her best friend practically dying as she came in with his daughter. "Knuckles healed you... A second later and you would've been gone. That's beyond the point! What the hell! Why would you guys be staying here if you were so sick?" she cried.

"Look... Scrouge and Mephiles offered a place to stay that was better. But where they offered was close to someone I recently got into a fight with. If I had gone where they wanted me to go, Envy would've been hunted down, and... only god knows what would've happened to her. And just like every father with a daughter... I will perish before I let any male get their claws on my daughter." he explained. Wave nodded. "I understand that. I would probably feel the same way. Speaking of Scrouge and Mephiles, how are they? How are the others?"

"Well, Rouge owns her own restaurant. She's been having a few run-ins with assholes as customers but she manages. Shadow helps her out but nowadays he's just inside his house all day. Scrouge is trying to repair all the machinery with Fiona and Eggman. Infinite owns a nightclub that just has a bunch of music. But he's... been on the down-low too. Mephiles just follows Shadow around for the most part. I'm kinda surprised he doesn't get out more. Maybe he will now that his kid is home. Maybe they'll all get better now that those kids are home." he said.

For a second, Wave just nodded going with it. But then it occurred to her, "Wait! They're back?! When?!" she asked frantically. "Uh, just the other night. They've been back. Just took forever to get to their parents." he said. "Okay, tell me, did they have others with them?" she asked. "I think so. I wouldn't know though. I just heard an announcement thing last night before you guys came barging into my home." he replied. "Jet that's awesome! What announcement did they make?" she asked.

"If I remember correctly, it was about their children coming home safely and that Midnight was going to be crowned the next Queen of Dark Side." Jet replied. "Wow, already? She's so young!" Wave exclaimed. "She still has a long while to wait. Shadow won't step down anytime soon before Midnight finds someone and is legally allowed to be married." Jet explained. "At least my guy's got some brains!" Wave giggled.

The two laughed some more remembering all the good times they shared long before the towns split apart. "Hey, J, I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me the most. I know all these years alone in such a brutal place must've... sucked." she apologized. Jet chuckled. "Don't worry, I don't blame you. You had a daughter to worry about. I can't blame you for staying there with her. She needed a badass mother by her side!" Jet reassured her. "Look after Envy when you can Jet. I've only known her for some time but she needs someone like you. This town is ruthless." 

"Trust me, you don't know the half of-" Jet began, but as they did, something poked through the wall of his kitchen. It looked like a glass cup. "What are you doing?" Wave snapped knowing it was her friends on the other side. They walked around to the other side of the wall and saw all of them leaning against the wall listening in. "Are you kidding me?! We just fixed the wall!" Jet shouted angrily.

They all backed away worriedly, keeping their eyes on them. "We're sorry! Just got a bit- nosy!" Amy replied. Wave groaned and rolled her eyes. "What do you want?" she asked. "Wave, we need to find our kids! Jet I know none of us have ever been on good terms," Cream began and approached Jet calmly.  "Please help us. Please help us find our kids. I'm sorry for all that we've done. I'm appalled by all of this. I know you didn't ask for this. I know you wish you had a better life for Envy. But please... we need them home. Their parents need them. My children might be home where I need them to be but I can't imagine what my friends are going through." Cream pleaded with him.

The last time Jet saw Cream she was almost seventeen. It had been so long. Jet took in a deep breath and relaxed knowing she was the most innocent out of all of them there. "I'm doing this for you and Wave. Fuck the rest of you." he snarled and walked away. "Get your stuff ready. Midnight's ceremony is gonna get started soon. We have to get there before your kids do something stupid themselves." Jet said.

As he walked away, Wave glared at her friends and went back onto the porch to get some fresh air. Blaze turned around and noticed her best friend looking off into the distance. "Hey, what's wrong?" she asked him worriedly. "Blaze... I don't wanna sound... rude... But I don't want Blizzard and Midnight to be an item..." he sighed.

Her eyes widened and she was surprised to hear something like that coming from him. "Please understand Blaze... But the last thing I want is for my son to be with his daughter and for us to be always at each other's throats!" Silver cried. Blaze gave him a look of sympathy. "I'm sure that won't be the case. Your kids are so young still anyway!"

"I know but... this isn't what I want for Blizzard!"

"Relax, you've got nothing to worry about! We're going to get our kids and everything will be- a little back to normal!" Blaze reassured and turned back around to attend to the others.

All Silver could think about was how much danger his son could be in the longer they stayed in this town. Please tell me you're safe out there...

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