Chapter 73

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Looking down at his hands, Eggman saw the Emerald stop glowing and panicked internally. The others broke free from the spell, now getting up to their feet. They groaned while observing their surroundings. Rouge and Infinite went to their sides and helped them recover. Sonic, Silver, and Scourge glanced around. Those who were fighting outside stopped when they saw the robots turn off and collapsed all around them.

Citizens in Mobius and Dark Side paused to see if the conflict had finally ended. Shadow meanwhile crawled toward Blizzard. Midnight was still drifting as she felt her body grow more and more tired by the minute. Mephiles turned to glare at Eggman. "See what you've done!? Are you happy?!" he shouted angrily. Eggman turned away. This isn't what he wanted at all. Shadow took Midnight from Blizzard's arms, holding her head gently. "Hey? Can you hear me?" he asked her, his voice breaking. Midnight groaned in response. "It'll be okay! Okay? Night? Please..." he cried, slightly shaking her. Midnight's eyes barely opened. She stared up at her dad. "I'm sorry... I didn't want to hurt anyone... Don't let them hurt others... They didn't have a choice either..." she pleaded, closing them again.

Her chest continued to rise and fall. Shadow recognized this all too well. When using too much of their energy, they go into their own version of hibernation. "She's okay... She'll be fine, just needs rest." he reassured the group. Mephiles was still angered by this. He made his dark powers grow out from every direction, heading towards the old man. Eggman covered his face with his arms. Before he could injure Eggman, Mephiles got knocked off his feet by a weapon.

Gadget and Fiona stood there, not too far from their sides, as Fiona held her stun gun. It had hit Mephiles in his shin, making him cry out. "Don't, it's not worth it!" Gadget cried. Mephiles didn't say anything but remained idle on the ground. Knuckles hurried into the room, heaving as he checked out the scene. Despite everything that happened, they were okay in the end.

Knuckles led a new group to get the five teens, their parents, and anyone affected by the attack medical attention. Shadow went wherever his daughter went, not knowing if she'd be okay when she woke up. The rescue party managed to destroy the rest of the robots that were free from the Emerald's power. Sonic sped past Eggman and snatched the Emerald from his hands. He secured it before alerting those who came into the base to take Eggman to a secured place for the time being.

Most of Dark Side had been cleared immediately for the safety of everyone. Those who stayed back were looked after by other Mobians that stayed behind. The Mobian teens got scolded briefly but were praised by their parents seeing that they helped out rather than stood behind. Everyone was worried about Midnight though. Hours went by and she hadn't woken up.

Still, instead of tension and riots, everyone everywhere remained calm for the first time in forever. Mobius kept its promise to take care of Dark Side after everything they just went through for a second time. Midnight remained in a hospital while her friends were left to wonder what they were going to be faced with now.

They waited in the main room where the Council and Queen Elise were discussing their matters at the time. "I believe that what we've been through is a lot for just one to handle. We almost witnessed total destruction. We have to admit, some of this is our own fault. I will admit, we haven't exactly been the example we wanted to be. And I'm ashamed of that myself. I think you can agree with that too. While Eggman did abuse the Emerald's power, I believe some of that is from his stemming anger towards us. I'm not by any means excusing what he did. But... in a way, I understand why he did what he did. At least we know Midnight and her own friends were willing to move past the grudge. I admit I was scared of how much longer we'd have to deal with all of this over our heads. I think by this point, we can all start the process of moving forward."

Everyone nodded in agreement, knowing they all were going after the same thing. Building the future to be better. "We're sorry too, your Majesty. We should've been able to move on from this. It's hard to be the better one in this given situation." Blaze replied. "I couldn't agree more. We needed to step up and we didn't. But we're ready to build up in any way possible." Sonic added. "I've seen all I need to see! However, we've neglected the ones we've owed the biggest apology to."

With that, Tangle opened up the door, letting their kids come inside. All of them were embraced by their parents in relief. Their kids were just as happy to see them and everyone else that had been involved with the incident. They then turned to Queen Elise who still smiled at them. "I would like to say, to all of you, that we're sorry. None of you should've been brought into this drama. Our feud with our next-door neighbors has extended so far that we dragged you into it. And that wasn't fair. I'm hoping we can be on better terms with them now that everything's been settled for once." she told them.

All of the teens reassured her and their parents that they weren't angry anymore. "Trust me, we've been over it too. If anything we were wondering when you guys would stop holding a grudge!" Typhoon responded. "Not to mention we had to risk our lives multiple times just to get your attention!" Hannah added. "But seriously- please tell me you're done dragging this out!" Melany cried. "Trust me, we are. We've learned our lesson." Blaze promised. "I think we can all agree that we are able to move on and start a brand new place." Knuckles noted.

After they agreed, Queen Elise turned to Tangle. "Any news on Midnight?" she asked the young lemur. Tangle shrugged. "I just know Shadow and some of the others are still waiting at the hospital. There's been no update on Midnight herself." she replied. Sonic turned to face his leader. "If I may, I'd like to go check on them myself. I owe to her and Shadow." he requested. "I'd like to go too! I haven't seen her since..." Blizzard chimed. Queen Elise nodded her head to both of them and nodded. "Alright, very well. Go... Let's pray that all is well."


Midnight... Midnight...

What was that voice? I could hear it. I opened my eyes to see... her. My mom. I was standing in a field of blue flowers and it looked to be around night time. But what do I know? I could feel the tears pricking my eyes. She smiled at me, the white patch on her eye illuminating as she stared at me. I smiled and choked back tears. "Mom!?" I cried.

"Yes, it's me!" I leaped over and embraced her in a hug. I haven't felt her touch since she died when I was six. I held onto her as she embraced me. "I'm proud of you..." she told me. "Proud? Proud of me? Mom, I almost killed everyone!" She chuckled softly. "Night, you're a young girl! Everyone before you has made bigger mistakes than you... I know everyone around you has decided to change their ways just because of everything that's happened around you. Your friends and family all want the best for you. Yes, you have made mistakes. I know you have. Being someone like you has never been easy. But... Promise me this... From here forward when you wake up, you'll do good. For everyone. Okay?"

I wiped my eyes and nodded my head. "I promise... I'll do better..." I could feel my mom smooth my quills. "I'm always watching over you and your father, Night. Don't ever think that I've disappeared."

Taking a minute to lean back and just look at my mom made me smile. A real smile. Something I haven't felt in a long time. 

"Now go back Night. Go back and help them grow. Watch your father to me. I love you very much..." I held onto her one more time as a light filled the area around us. I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to let go. But it kept growing brighter and brighter.

"And I always will..."

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