Chapter 41

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Some of the Mobian forces had stuck around waiting if there were any further instructions. Tangle approached Sonic and Blaze. "All five leaders are accounted for. Anyone who wasn't a minor and who had involvement was also apprehended. Although... I wonder if we did the right thing..." she told them. Both of her Council members sighed. "We did... I hope..." Blaze replied.

Their kids were in shock realizing what had happened. All of them were speechless but still went to comfort their friends who were in grief.

Still, their parents were not having any of it at all. All the Mobians surrounded the teens. None of them were at all happy. "Get over here." Espio ordered. Each of their kids walked away from the Dark Side kids and got up to face their parents. "What. The actual. HELL!" Amy shouted at them. "Mom... We're sorry okay? We just... We just wanted to..." Ruby began quickly forgetting how to speak. "Do you have any idea what we went through just to find you!" Tails snapped.

"A lot! We know! We're sorry! We know what we did was wrong but you saw how they just left! How could we just let them go?" Astro cried. "Because you just don't! It's not your call to make to come here where it's so dangerous!" Sally snapped. "Yeah, well, we didn't see you guys doing anything when Astro's grandpa was making a scene!" Typhoon yelled back. "You're right, it was wrong of him! But what excuse is that to come here?!" Vector added.

Once again no one said anything. "We admire that you care about your friends. But this was just outrageous and dangerous! Were you even thinking about the consequences?!" Blaze hissed. "We did... Just... C'mon, we wanted to bring them home!" Finn cried. "Besides, we had it handled! The only reason it got out of hand was that you guys came in here thinking we were in danger! We're your kids! If anything, we were fine!" Catrina snapped, bold enough to step up to their parents. "We want to be like you guys! This is so dumb! It's not like we were careless!" Misty said, following Catrina's lead.

"Well, you were reckless coming here, to begin with! What if something had happened?! What if we couldn't reach you! What then!" Knuckles cried. "Not only that, you entered territory containing some of the most dangerous convicts we've ever faced! Do you know what they could've done to you if they had the chance?" Silver cried. "Well... yes... But to me... it seems like to me you guys are the bad ones here." Blizzard said boldly.

Each Mobian recoiled in shock in surprise. They didn't expect that from Blizzard. Silver was angry hearing it come out from his own blood. "Don't go there." Silver snapped. "Each and every single one of you is grounded beyond your imagination!" he went on. All the teens began groaning and protesting almost instantly. "This isn't fair!" Blizzard snapped. "Nothing is fair. But you made your choices!" Whisper replied.

"So did you guys!" Hunter shouted. "Watch your tone." Espio intervened. "You're all coming back to Mobius, and as a Council, we'll decide what your punishment will be. Don't forget that Sunny, Curd, Hannah, and Swift are facing their own punishments too." Cream told them. "WHAT?! They're the ones who told you?!" Melany gasped. "Oh come on, you really didn't think they would crack eventually?" Wave sighed. "Okay fair point, but still! We can't just leave them!" Typhoon cried.

"If they want, they're more than happy to come with us back to Mobius. What would you guys-" Charmy began. "We don't want any part of your stupid town!" Smoke shouted angrily. "You ruined everything! Our parents are officially gone! Dark Side is in peril because of you!" Mystic went on. The girls still didn't say anything while watching the scene unfold. Mystic bore the silence and decided to give them an ultimatum. "You guys are considered citizens of Dark Side now. You have a choice... Either you leave with these guys that call themselves heroes and never come back. Or, you stay here and pledge your loyalty to the Queen of Dark Side, helping us to rebuild the home our parents wanted."

Their expressions changed to pure shock. "Oh, c'mon Mystic! That's so unreasonable!" Ruby pleaded walking towards him. But Blaze grabbed her arm pulling her back. "Well if it wasn't unreasonable to take our parents into a town full of "heroes", I don't see this ultimatum being that way either." he replied. "So. Choose!" he roared.

Melany and Typhoon looked back at Amy and Sonic who shot them worried glances. They sighed and went up to stand by their side. "Sorry..." Melany whispered. Typhoon didn't say anything, ashamed. Finn and Hunter exchanged looks with Diamond and Smoke. Then they looked back at Espio and Vector who seemed upset. "I love you, Diamond... But... I'm sorry..." Hunter said and stood next to Espio. Diamond felt her heart break in two.

Finn tried not to cry but failed as he raced over and buried his face in Vector's chest and sobbed. "I can't do it!" he cried. Vector sighed and hugged his son. Smoke sighed and turned around so no one could see him cry. Astro and Misty glanced before walking over to their parents. "These are our families... We can't... They need us..." Astro said softly. "More importantly... We've gotta face the music..." Misty sighed. Catrina tried to seem brave looking into Fade's eyes.

"None of this is fair Fade... But life isn't fair... We learned that the hard way... I'm sorry about your dad... I love you Fade... Please forgive me!" she cried as she pushed past everyone to escape the eyes looking at her. Sally felt horrible for her daughter seeing her run. "CAT! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Fade yelled angrily, fury and tears flooded her face. She yelled angrily and destroyed a trashcan nearby.

Ruby knew her parents would never forgive her or let her leave. "Listen Mystic... this isn't your fault I promise! B-But I-I have to g-go back! I don't have a choice!" she pleaded. "We all have a choice, Ruby. You've made yours. Clearly." Mystic huffed and looked away from her, avoiding any eye contact with her. Ruby cried and walked away from her family to join Catrina.

Now it was just Blizzard. He stared at Midnight who was preparing for the worst. He looked over at Silver who waited worriedly. "Blizzard... Please! I'm begging you!" Midnight pleaded. "You said you were going to be there for me! I need you now more than ever!" she cried. Blizzard's heart strained, wanting to race to her side. But his father was standing right behind him. "They can always come over to our place... But you have to think reasonably here! This isn't safe! You know this as well as I do!" Silver exclaimed, trying to rationalize with him. "Blizz!" Midnight shouted again. "Please..."

Blizzard felt a tear fall down his cheek and hit the ground. "Sorry Night... I am really sorry... But he's right! It's not safe here! C-Come back with us! I'll give you a place to stay! All of you! Don't you want that?!" he said trying to bargain. Midnight felt her heart sink. "Are you serious..? After what they just did to our families?! TO ALL OF US?!" she shouted. "Night... I love you! It doesn't have to be like this!" he cried.

"Yeah, well... Apparently it does." Midnight glared at her father's captors. "Get out. All of you. Don't ever come back. Thanks to your recklessness, everyone knows what Mobian looks like, sounds like, and even smells like. If we ever find out that one of you is back in town... we will kill you. Get out." she growled and turned around. "Night! Night come back!" Blizzard cried as he tried chasing her.

Mystic didn't like it and formed a shield around Shadow's house that caused him to fall backward. "You heard the Queen. Get lost. Get out. Or I'll find someone who'll make you." He snarled at them once more before walking after Midnight while cradling Ivy in his arms. She was still crying over the whole ordeal. Smoke rolled his eyes and followed after his friends. Fade followed right after him wanting no more of this pain.

Diamond held back for a moment, staring at those she detested most. "You haven't heard the last of us. You better pray we don't get bored." With that, she went inside the house and slammed the door.

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