Chapter 47

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Sitting on a sofa in her house, Midnight tossed the Chaos Emerald in her hands.

Smoke sat with her while the rest of their friends went out to find some of the children
that were alone. Seeing her almost numb to the situation made him worried. "Are you okay?" he asked concerned. Midnight shook her head. "Just when everything started to get better... It was taken away." she said.

Holding the Chaos Emerald in one hand, Midnight looked around. "Now, we're in the same situation as our parents were back before we were even born. What are we going to tell all those kids that now are suddenly parentless?" Smoke was silent. There wasn't anything he could say that would make this situation any better. She sighed once more feeling discouraged. "I haven't felt this depressed since my mom died..."

Knowing him, Midnight looked over. On Smoke's palm, he had a small birthmark that he often hid behind a bike glove he wore almost all the time. "Tell me about it. I can't... I can't remember the last time I felt this hurt..." he replied softly. Another minute of silence went by. Smoke heard the noises from outside and decided to check on it.

As he stepped out, Smoke was met by Diamond and Fade. "How's our girl doing?" Fade asked him. "Still... depressed. I mean... aren't we all?" We've lost everything. How are we expected to move on from here?!" Smoke asked panicked. Diamond placed a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down! We always find a way. We're Dark Side's only hope right now. We have to keep it together!" she told him. "She's got a point. If we want any hope for our parents returning, we must do things ourselves." Fade sighed. "But how?! There's no one here to guide us! Literally, all the adults are on the other side! And there's no way in hell any of us are going over there!" Smoke cried.

For a minute they were quiet. Then footsteps approached the house. Behind them, Mystic walked over with Ivy at his side. "Hey... Nick has someone who's gonna help us." Mystic announced. "Wait, really?! Who?" Diamond asked anxiously. Nick walked up to the others to greet them with a sour smile. The three returned the feeling knowing he was feeling everything they were. "Listen, it might not be the best solution... But we've got nothing to work with at this point. So I'm hoping you'll give him a chance despite... well, you'll see."

From behind him, they saw a figure who stood up taller than they expected.

Just then, their jaws dropped in amazement. "Well, it has been a long time since I've worn this in public!" Still, everyone's jaws were dropped. Eggman sneered. "I have to admit it's nice finally getting out of that wheelchair! Now, tell me about our little problem." he said to them. "W-Wait! How are you walking!? You're paralyzed aren't you?!" Diamond questioned, stunned. Eggman laughed, his head barely reeling back. "My dear children, I'm a mad scientist and an engineer! I was banished here for my skills that were considered too dangerous for the faint of heart. I've been working for years on this device ever since a fight with those rats left me paralyzed from the waist down!" he explained.

"But... What exactly did you do?" Smoke asked. "I inserted a chip smaller than the eye can see into my spinal regions! Enhanced to fix the break in my spin that caused my immobility. But now, I can finally move as my heart desires!" he said. "And thankfully, just in time."  The whole town felt abandoned with barely anyone in town. All the teens gathered around in the area closest to Midnight's home. "Listen, this is what we need to do. There's enough housing here for everyone we have so far. We'll need to put everyone in groups throughout the housing areas we have here. It's safer here. Let me know when Fiona's gang comes closer here. We need to talk about patrols." Eggman instructed.

They nodded looking at the many kids and teens Mystic and Envy had gathered to bring to safety. Eventually, everyone returned to the front of the house to hear what would happen. Smoke and the others headed inside to find Midnight who was now in her bedroom thinking about everything that happened. Seeing her friends enter upon arrival, she turned to look at them. "I'm guessing it's time to step up?"

None of her friends said anything. Yet they all knew what each other was thinking. She stood up and walked out onto the ledge where Shadow had stood so many times before. Eggman was already there with Pistol and Hypno waiting to hear. Eggman turned on the mic. "Citizens of Darkside! As one of the only original residents left to build up our town, it's been brought to my attention that we have no choice but to move forward. Yes, I am saddened that we've lost friends and family to those wicked Mobians who think they own us. Although I am here to say we must build up our home! And thankfully, we have someone who can help us begin,"

Just then Midnight approached the mic, still holding the Chaos Emerald. "I present to you, our newest Queen... Queen Midnight! Daughter of Shadow the Hedgehog! Holder of the Chaos Emerald! And your Grand Ruler!" As Eggman declared this, Midnight held up the Chaos Emerald, it barely glowed in her hand. She then grabbed the mic closer to her face.

"Look... we know that everything you've been through, I know it feels hopeless. Trust me, I've been feeling like that ever since our parents left. But yeah if there's anything they don't want us to do, is cry all day like bitches if we can help it. So... we need to build up a new home. We'll build a new place just like our past loved ones wanted. And more importantly... we'll never ever let another Mobian ruin our lives again.

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