Chapter 36

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Everyone had headed off to Infinite's nightclub as a celebration place that had been changed for a private celebration. Those who were invited danced and ate to celebrate the evening. Midnight and her friends had their own spots on the stage. Their parents smiled seeing everyone content and in bright spirits for the first time in forever. Shadow looked over to his daughter and smiled at the sight of her in a good mood.

"Well, it's just like you said, we got everything we've desired!" Rouge said to him, bumping him gently with her hips. "Eh, I didn't do it all by myself. Besides, we've still got one more step." he replied. "At least wait until this part is over! I want to eat this banquet! Damn, I haven't eaten like this since Fade and Hypno were born!" Scourge requested. Shadow rolled his eyes playfully. "Alright fine! But only if you dance." he chuckled. "Hedgehog, we don't dance." Mephiles sighed. "What if I asked Mystic to sing?"

Infinite was trying his best not to sound angry behind the mask. "Maybe. I'll consider it." he growled. Each of them laughed.

At the table, the Dark Side five had sat there finishing their meal. "We need more ceremonies. I love these banquets!" Smoke replied shoving food in his mouth. "I have to admit, our parents went all out for this night." Mystic replied. "Tell me about it. He's lucky he's my dad or I might be more concerned!" Midnight chuckled. "When do we begin dancing?! I'm itching to dance with Hunter!" Diamond whined. "Ha! If anything I'm trying not to dance!" Fade laughed.

"You mean you don't wanna dance with Catrina~?" Smoke asked, lifting his eyebrows up and down. "Stuff your face dipshit." Fade growled. Midnight chuckled as she took a sip of her drink.

The ex-Mobians sat together at a table laughing and throwing stuff at each other. "You know, I think we're going to like it here after all!" Ruby said to them. "I feel kind of bad for just leaving our parents the way we did. But then again, I can't resist the taste of freedom they have around here!" Misty said eating more food. "I won't lie, our whole time in the town has been an adventure." Hunter replied. "It's been more than that! It's been a whole vacation! And now we get to stay here! No more school!" Finn said.

Only Blizzard wasn't a part of the conversation as he sat there thinking hard. Catrina noticed this and gently nudged him with her foot. "Hey, dude, you've been so distracted. Is something wrong?" Blizzard leaned back and motioned to Shadow. "He and I had this whole talk about me dating Night. I'm just scared that if I mess up... I'll lose more than just the love of my life." he said. "Oh, Blizzard! Relax! You're a good person, you wouldn't have it in you to hurt her! Besides, Midnight's gonna want you around. Just be yourself!" Astro reassured him. "I know but... I can't help that in some way we did something... really bad. Like more than just what we're doing."

For a brief moment, they exchanged looks. "Remember that our parents were the ones who made the decisions for our friends. We can't just forgive that! It's not right! We have to give them a brighter future to look forward to! We have to make up for all the bad things we've done. Not just for them, but so Mobius can stay safe too." Ruby said. "I'm glad this is a new beginning. I'm starting to like this place!" Typhoon cheered.

Agreeing with her, they raised a glass and smiled. Suddenly music started and lights dimmed down with Rouge and Scourge by the music booth. "Get off your asses, everyone! Let's party and get fucked up!" Scourge shouted as he and Rouge began blasting music. Obeying their orders willingly, everyone got up and kicked the tables all over the place. They cheered, spilled drinks all over the place, and began dancing wildly, their hair, fur, or quills being thrashed all over the place.

Everyone was having fun and enjoying their day of celebration for a better future. Midnight soon dragged all of her friends out so they could begin dancing and celebrating properly. As they hit the dance floor, they cheered and were delighted to have the place brighten for once.

The five were throwing things in the air and dancing with one another. Midnight eventually crossed Blizzard's path and gave him a look. "C'mere!" she urged, pulling him in so they could dance together closely. She held him close while he put his head on top of hers. They danced away seeing their friends and the others among them have a good time. "I love you... Thanks for staying with us. I don't know how I'm going to do any of this..." she said to him. "I love you too Night. I promise to be there for you. It'll be okay as long as we stick together. Your friends have your back too. Honestly, you've got nothing to worry about! I know you only want what's best. You'll make mistakes, that's true. Deep down all you've gotta do is follow your heart." he reassured her.

Midnight smiled and kissed him. "I don't even know how I grew to like you!" she sneered. "Ah, I think I have an idea!" he said, twirling her around the room. While everyone on the inside of the club was having a good time, Shadow, Rouge, Scourge, Infinite, and Mephiles slinked away from the party and headed back to Shadow's house. There they made it, heading all the way downstairs where he stored the Chaos Emeralds that began to shine bright.

They gathered around the table thinking hard about what to do next. Shadow gave a small huff staring at the Chaos Emeralds and taking one into his hands. "This is for Maria... My daughter Midnight... and for Midnight's mother... This is for everyone..." he said. He looked over at his friends. Scourge approached the table next and picked up an Emerald. "This is for my children... and my past lover Fleetaway..." he replied. Rouge walked over picking up another one. "This is for Diamond... For my past lover Kyle... and for those that are hungry..." she said. Mephiles stood in front of the table not hesitating to pick one up.

"This is for Smoke... For my past Lover Frost... And the many friends we've lost..." Finally Infinite walked over. Slowly he took off his mask and placed it down revealing his face before taking a Chaos Emerald. He sighed and lifted it up. "This is for Mystic... for everyone that's scared to speak up... the many lives lost... and the one I used to love..." he declared.

The words made the Chaos Emeralds light and float above in front of them. Rouge, Mephiles, and Infinite backed away seeing the magic happen. Scourge and Shadow stared up nervously at the scene above realizing everything was happening right now. Scourge began to back away but Shadow held out his hand. He had a look in his eyes that Scourge had never seen before. Still, he took Shadow's hand and the two held onto each other.

Suddenly, a bright glow swarmed over them as the Chaos Emeralds swirled around them rapidly. The two closed their eyes allowing the power to sink into their souls. Shadow's quills turned golden except for his red streaks. Scourge's quills turned magenta and his eyes a bright red. The two snapped their eyes open and stared upwards as a bright glow exploded up above into the sky.

The Mobians saw the glow from where they were traveling, having to look away briefly to see how bright it was. "Oh my... What is that?!" Charmy gasped. "I don't know! But it can't be good!" Tails said. Knuckles stumbled back and then opened his eyes. "No... It's the Chaos Emeralds! We have to stop them!" Knuckles cried and began to run on. His friends asked no questions running after him.

Lightning and Jet exchanged a look. Lightning looked down at Ivy who wasn't sure what to think. "This isn't going to end well..." she sighed and decided to run after them anyway. Jet sighed, knowing she was right.

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