Chapter 13

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Midnight and Diamond were thrilled they got their new friend Reaper.

But it was a different story with Mystic and Smoke. "Ugh! I wish we didn't have to watch these two clowns." Melany complained. "Oh hush, be nice! Would you rather have them caged away for the rest of their lives?" Ruby snapped. "No... but maybe they deserve it." she snapped. "You know we can hear you!" Smoke growled.

Melany's ears were pinned against her head in fear. Ruby frowned seeing how Mystic looked down at the ground upset. She slowed down to stand beside him. "You okay?" she asked. "What do you think? I can't ever go home, you separated me and my friends, and I failed my father. How would you feel?" he snapped. He sped up and caught up with Smoke who waited for him. "Such a bitch." Smoke whispered to him. That's when Melany whipped out her hammer and faced them. "Don't you dare mouth my sister like that!" she shouted angrily.

Mystic used his powers to break the hammer into a million pieces and fall onto the ground. "You don't freaking scare us. At least we stay true to ourselves. Stop trying to be someone you can't be!" Smoke snapped.

The boys walked away, ahead of them, and sat down on a bench that was on the campus. Ruby and Melany stood next to her who was worried about how the two felt. "I doubt we're getting anywhere..." Ruby sighed. "Do you like him?" Melany asked her sadly. "W-What? N-No!" she cried. "Uh-huh. Your face says otherwise." her sister replied annoyed, rolling her eyes. "L-Look, I just... I think he's cute. And a little admiring. But he's right... we did take a lot away from them... are we really any better than them?" she asked. Melany looked at the two who kicked rocks away from them. "No. I guess not. But they've done all this stuff! They poured milk on me! How could we just let them go about that!"

They could hear the school bell ring and watched as the boys got up to walk away to get to class on time. Meanwhile, Fade sat in her own classroom, trying to figure out how to pass time during another boring chemistry lesson. She honestly didn't need all the stuff they were teaching. But when Catrina saw she wasn't doing her work, she rolled her chair over to see what she was doing in her journal.

"Fade, pay attention! This is important!" Catrina whispered harshly. Fade looked up briefly before going back to her drawing. Frustrated, Catrina swiped the drawing and looked at it. "HEY!" Fade shouted, trying to take it back. "Ms. Fade, is there a problem?" the teacher asked. "Yes, there is actually! This tramp here snatched my drawing!" she replied angrily. The teacher rolled his eyes and looked over at Catrina. "She wasn't paying attention, sir. And as the Queen assigned me to her, it's my duty to see she takes this seriously." she explained.

He nodded and took the piece of paper she snatched. When he looked at the picture, he looked confused and showed it to the class. "Who's this?" he asked her. "Probably her boyfriend!" Finn shouted loudly. Misty kept raising her eyebrows at Fade who looked at them confused. "Uh- ew. He's my dad." she replied at last. Finn and Misty both turned red and put up their notebooks to cover their faces. "Oh... I see. Why were you drawing pictures of your father? You have a test coming up which means you should be paying attention.

"I don't give a damn! My dad is more important than any lesson you give us! I don't understand shit about chemistry! And I know I shouldn't! So leave me alone!" she snapped and stormed out of the room with her stuff. Catrina realized what she had done and took off after her. "Fade. Fade!" she shouted.

But Fade didn't want anything to do with her or this town. She was done with everything that didn't have to do with her life. Once she had run all the way to the courtyard outside, Catrina grabbed her arm. "FADE!" she yelled. "GET OFF ME!" Fade snapped, yanking her arm away. "I'm so sick of your attitude! Why do you have to be so hard to deal with!" she asked angrily. Fade balled her hand into a fist and let tears stream down her cheeks. "I CAN'T EVER SEE MY FATHER AGAIN!"

For the first time, Fade was able to let her emotions show. "I can't ever go back... I can't ever go back, because you and your stupid families won't let us! Thanks to you, I'll be stuck in this no-good town, because I'm too bad for the rest of you! None of us can go back! That was our home! What good am I here? What good are any of us here?" she cried, letting her anger and sadness go.

She covered her face with her hands and sobbed through the slight breeze. Catrina sighed and reached over to hug her. "Hey, calm down okay? I'm sorry... I didn't realize how badly this was going to effect you or the others. I... None of us... know what it's like in your town. But... we're scared. We're scared for your safety. That world... that world isn't healthy for any of you... but I promise you Fade... we're all here for you."

"What is this..? What are you doing?" Fade asked. "I'm hugging you to comfort you silly!" Catrina giggled. "I uh, I don't really like hugs before. Not sure how I like it." she replied, her cheeks slightly red. "Get used to it! I know you'll probably need a lot of them!" Catrina said cheery. Fade sighed and returned the hug she received. "Do you really think we can change? I mean... you've already seen who we are. Plus... we don't really wanna change..." Fade wondered, thinking of her friends and herself who keep putting up a headache of a fight. "It'll be a challenge that's for sure. But I've handled much more difficult stuff than this. I'll be here to help you! So don't worry."

"Alright... But I'm not going to make it easy!" she snickered. "Fine by me! Let's go!" Catrina reassured as she grabbed Fade by the hand and dragged her away. "Oh... might as well." Fade sighed, not protesting anymore to follow the girl who gave her hope.

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