Chapter 1

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Hey, my names Midnight. I know, you've never heard of me before. Not surprising. Not many have heard of me either. So, what's my world like? Welllll, if you must know;

There's two towns.

One is the goody-two-shoes land where all the rich, spoiled, good for nothing people live. I don't much about the people that live there. Not that I care. I'd rather die than be a force for good or something like that. Anyways, I'm missing the point. I don't live there. Thank god. Instead, I live here.

Welcome to Dark Side.

I know I know. Crappy name for a town. But the people who chose the name aren't really creative. However, there's nothing here that's very special anyways.

In Dark Side, there's a lot of stuff that isn't like the other town. We don't have good service(although we do have WiFi), we don't have a lot of "good" food if you know what I mean, although we have a lot of hangout places, no drugs; just cigarettes, no one comes to visit family down here, and all of us plan to stay away from that town. It was the one rule I was given by my father when I was little.

Oh. I don't think I mentioned my father. Well, he's the kind of guy you don't mess with. Along with the "top bosses" around here. The top one is Shadow... AKA... my father. He's a handful sometimes, to say the least. Infinite and Mephiles would've beaten him if they didn't get their butts kicked by him too easily.

Him being the top actually makes my life a little bit easier. They know not to mess with me or my friends. Not that it would matter. I can handle myself easily. I have most of the same powers as my father.

"Ey, Midnight! You ready?" That's Smoke. He's pretty cool. Despite him being Mephiles' kid, we get along just fine. "Yeah, I'm ready. We gonna go by Diamond's first?" "As long as Fade's there too." he said.

Both Midnight and Smoke hopped on their skateboards and went down the streets of Dark Side. It wasn't always the safest town but it was good enough for them. "Catch up slowpoke!" Smoke teased, smirking at how slow his friend was going. "Ha! Bet!" she sneered, going straight past them. Finally, both came to an older apartment complex. There, they knocked on one of the doors and waited.

A couple of seconds later, someone came to the door. "Sup." the girl said, flipping the hair out of her eyes.

That's Diamond. She's part bat and something else. We don't know. Despite her attitude, she's pretty cool. "We're heading to dead man's curve. Wanna come?" Smoke asked. "Give me a sec, gotta tell mom. Plus Fade is here so I gotta drag her along too," she replied and went back inside.

"I'm going out mother!" she shouted. "Be back hun! I don't want you out too late!" another voice shouted. "I won't." Diamond growled softly. Then another hedgehog followed her outside.

She flipped her hair to one side and blew her bubble gum. That's Fade. She has faded green quills which gives her her name from her father. Overall she's a great friend, but sometimes she can be a drama queen.

"So, Dead Man's curve?" she asked her friends. All three nodded and looked at each other. "Well, it's not like we have anything better to do." she replied. Both she and Diamond wore roller skates and decided to chase after them.

So this is almost our whole group. We just have one more.

Together the group traveled up the ravine and down another path where they met up at a different part of town. There, they knocked on a beaten house and waited. "You knocked?" the young jackal asked. "Wanna go to Dead Man's curve? We're bored." Midnight asked. "Just give me a sec," the jackal replied before heading inside for a minute.

So this is Mystic. He's not as edgy as most would have them believe. He's decent when he wants to be. But he can give attitude.

"Sure whatever. Just be back later!" a voice snapped. "Yeah yeah, whatever." Mystic said, walking out the door to join his friends. He grabbed his skateboard and decided to follow the others all over town.

If you haven't already guessed, these guys are my family. At least the rest of my family besides my dad. He's nice and all but he's pretty busy with things he has to do around town. Like I said earlier, everyone knows not to play with him. But my friends are calmer around me and our parents since there's an alliance among our parents. Everything is fine over here for us. Sure there are a few things that we'd like to fix but honestly, we could have it worse. We've had each other our entire lives. I don't know how we could've had it any differently.

The five made it to an odd-looking park that looked like a skating rink. However, there were a few places to sit down, a couple of graffiti walls, and grounds. It wasn't exactly an updated park but no one seemed to complain about it. Fade sat on a bench with Mystic and painted her nails. Midnight and Smoke tried to outdo each other while. Diamond flew in the sky looking over the whole land.

Never in their life did they think of doing anything else besides what they knew. Do bad and nothing else. While Shadow might do a few good deeds every now and again, he refused to go back to that life, and therefore, Midnight followed him in his footsteps. Midnight felt a vibration in her pocket. She pulled out her phone and realized that it was Shadow himself texting her. "Hey guys, I have to head back. Dad needs me." she replied.

"Alright. See you tomorrow?" Smokey asked. "You already know." she smiled and fist-bumped everyone before getting on her skateboard. On the road home, she wondered what she was needed for. Mainly because there was no reason he'd call her early since he'd rather have Midnight learning useful skills. Either way, she didn't care. Of course, she would listen to her father.

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