Chapter 20

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It was now late in the afternoon. The search party had walked for hours looking around such a creepy town. Thankfully, because they were "disguised" not too many eyebrows were raised. However, most of everyone just ignored them, leaving them to walk alone. "Ugh, I don't like this place!" Melany whined. Ruby waved her hand in front of her face and waved away smoke in her face. "How do we know where we're going?" Misty wondered. Blizzard took in a deep breath and hit the ground. "This is impossible! Why couldn't we all have just stayed home! Why did it come to this?!" he cried. Catrina bent down to his level and tried to comfort him.

"We're going to find them, Blizzard. We just have to stay together." she reassured. Astro helped him up and together they continued to walk off.

After another hour of wondering, they still hadn't found anything, so frustrated about not being able to fix anything. "Blizarddddd! I'm tired! We've been walking around for hours! Can't we get some food or something?!" Typhoon whined. "Same here! We've been walking around endlessly! I mean, call me crazy but this town might be bigger than ours!" Finn cried. Suddenly, Hunter cried out and rubbed his head. They looked behind them and saw someone peaking their head through a window.

"Quiet down! Can't you see I'm tryna sleep! Get the hell out of here!" an angry middle-aged lioness shouted. "Uh, in the afternoon?" Ruby questioned. "YES DAMMIT! Scram!" she shouted again, now throwing a whole pot plant at them. They all dodged it and watch her slam the window shut.

They all looked at each other and tried their best to shrug it off. Looking everywhere, they saw something that looked like a bakery. They opened the door and sighed at the smell of fresh bread. "Oh~ that smells good!" Astro sighed.

Someone working in the back heard the commotion and turned to look. "Oi! Buy something or get out!" he snapped. Surprised, Melany approached the counter. "Uh... well... we'll take some bread I suppose." she replied. "How many?" he growled, agitated. "Four please." Blizzard replied. He pulled out three loaves of bread from the shelf and placed them in a brown bag. "Five bits." he said roughly.

Pulling a few coins out of her pocket, Ruby handed over the money and everyone left the store. They found another spot and decided to eat. As the rest ate, Finn ended up falling asleep against a garbage can, barely pushing against it. Blizzard looked to the sky and sighed. We'll find you...


In the hot spot of Dark Side, all five made it to the center where others were hanging out in the middle of town. Some greeted them casually, others rolled their eyes and kept moving, some were surprised to see them back in town. "They barely recognize us..." Diamond whispered. "I wish we never left." Mystic sighed. "Don't worry. As soon as we finish up here, we can do whatever we please." Midnight reassured.

Reaper looked around at the place, pointing out things that seemed almost familiar to him. The gang soon came across the old mural where their parents were painted on the old brick wall. Each of their parents' pictures is still clearly painted on the wall. "This needs a touch-up." Fade replied, both she and Smoke taking spray paint cans out of their packs. All five on the wall were fixed and everyone smiled, admiring their true role models. One more second and they kept walking to their destination. Finally, after another hour, they came across a boutique where some lingered but mostly walked past. All five walked inside and into a room where it had multiple chairs, a row of sinks, mirrors, sets of hair, and body care all over the place.

There was one worker wandering around. They were small and looked somewhat like Mystic. "UnKy Mystic!" they shouted. "Hey! Ivy!" Mystic smiled, reaching out to catch the little girl running up to him. "OH! You're getting big!" he chuckled, gently holding her. "I'm so happy! And you brought your fwiends!" she cheered. "Yes! I did! We finally came back. Is... Is your mom here by chance?" he asked.

Ivy nodded her head quickly and pointed to the figure walking into the room. There in front of them was a tall, slim, jackal with black and white fur with a tuft of tannish-blonde fur in her hair and the tips of her ears. She stood, her arms crossed, and looked at Mystic annoyed. "Mommy! UnKy Mystic's here!" Ivy cheered again. "Yes. I see that." she smirked, sitting down in her chair.

"Ivy, can you go play in your room for a little bit? I have to talk business." she asked. "Okay, mommy!" Ivy replied before running off happily.

Once alone, the she-jackal turned to the five teens and smiled. "You left for a long time." she said at last. "I'm sorry Lightning. Dad wanted and our other parents wanted us to go on another mission. And it took much longer than we thought it was originally was gonna take. But, we're back!" he replied. Lightning sighed and stood up. "So, what was it like?" she asked. All of them looked at one another and shrugged.  "Eh!" they all responded. 

She smirked and smiled at them. "I've only been there once in my entire life. Convinced me to never go back. Ivy and I are happier here." she said. Midnight, Smoke, Diamond, and Fade were confused but Mystic shrugged. "So, does everyone know about where we've been?" he asked. "Duh. It was kind of obvious. The minute we didn't see you after a whole day and night, we figured it out. But don't worry. Pistol and Hypno kept everyone in check." she replied calmly. All five sighed a breath of relief and smiled. "Does dad know we're back?" he asked.

"Nope! No one does. But I imagine you're going to fix that?" Lightning questioned. "Oh yeah, we are!" Smoke cheered. "We are. But, we need a glow-up if anything. I mean, look at us."  Midnight replied, pointing out their flaws. Lightning stood up and looked at them all over. "Damn. You're not wrong. All your clothes are worn out, your highlights or natural coloring is almost gone, your make-up isn't the same, and don't get me started on your claws." she teased. Each one shared a good laugh and shook their heads. "Tell us about it. Think you can work some magic?" Fade wondered. "Honey, I can do anything." she replied, snipping a pair of scissors.

Each one sat in a chair, allowing Lightning to do what she had to. They relaxed while chewing on bubble gum and watching Ivy pick outfits. Roughly 2 hours later, they were complete. "Well, this is probably my best work yet! Look in the mirror!" she sneered, then pushed each one to look at themselves. "WOW! THIS IS AMAZING!" Diamond squealed, admiring her brand new pink highlights. "Bro, I am loving this!" Fade exclaimed, twirling her quills. "Lightning you're the best!" Smoke awed, messing with his jacket. "You look so cool!" Ivy cheered. "Thanks so much, Lightning. We owe you big time." Midnight thanked. "Eh, don't worry about it. Anything for my little brother." she replied happily.

Gathering their stuff, they headed towards the door and looked back at their family. "I promise I'll come back sooner!" Mystic replied. "I know. Good luck with dad. He's been worried for once in his life." Lightning replied amused. Mystic rolled his eyes and all five left the place. Lightning sighed and looked at Ivy. "Don't you ever go there." she warned. "I won't. I promise mommy."

Hello everyone! I hope you're having a wonderful day! I would like to take a moment to thank Hedgeoctoling for letting me use her OC character Lightning in this story! Honestly, I didn't expect it. But absolutely amazing! So do me a favor and check 'em out and share the love. It means a lot to me as much as it does to them. Once again, I'm trying my best to keep up. School is a pain. Anyways, cya! Peace.

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