Chapter 14

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~A Few weeks later~

It had been a while since everything went down since they were forced to stay in Mobius. But, for most of them, it hasn't been so bad. The five and Reaper had become great friends ever since he was discovered. Despite what you might think about these teens, all the Council's children, along with Astro and Catrina, helped to change the five into more civilized Mobians who respected the place. Even if they have their bumps here and there.

Not everything changed though! Each one still had a backbone, their old style that never went away, the occasional attitude, and of course, their love for each other.

Butttttt, let's just say that their parents were growing more and more concerned about where their children were with every passing second. If someone had gotten their hands on them before the news could get to their own town.

"Shadow, this isn't like them! Shouldn't we be worried!? Aren't you the least bit concerned!?" Rouge shouted at him as she came over to visit him one day. "I am concerned! She's my daughter for God's sake! Midnight's all I have! If those bitches did anything to her, I will kill them! Trust me, I love her! And I'm worried too! But going into that town risks everything as we know it! Do you want to lose what we've built?" he snapped angrily. "No, I don't! But I need Diamond back in my life! We need our kids back in our life!" she snapped. "Please Shadow... There must be something we can do?" she cried.

He sighed and shook his head. "Do you have anything that won't bring more conflict?" he asked sadly. Frustrated, Rouge grabbed her purse that was sitting on a chair and stormed out. Saddened by his friend's reaction, Shadow picked up a picture that sat under a lamp. It was him, holding Midnight when she was only a couple of months old. "Where are you...?" he asked himself, looking out the window that displayed the starry night.

Midnight, however, was wondering about her father and how he must be doing.

 She sat on the ledge of her balcony where she stared up at the sky. It sat her up high up to see the whole view. Even though she had changed, she tried to keep certain things about herself to make sure she never forgot who she truly was. Where are those Chaos Emeralds? Yeah, she never forgot the real reason she came either. Not too far from her, Blizzard was soaring through the sky, wondering what he could find on a Friday evening.

He spotted Midnight sitting on the ledge and decided to go see her. As she sat there, she didn't hear him as Blizzard barely hopped onto the balcony. "Well, I see I'm not the only one who's awake!" he chuckled, standing in place. Midnight jumped in surprise which made her fall forward. "AH!" she shouted, as she began falling to the ground. Reacting quickly, he flew down and grabbed her before she could crash.

"Heh, sorry! Should've been more careful." he apologized. "B-Blizzard! W-What the hell! I could've died!" Midnight shouted. "Then it's a good thing I was here!" he sneered, holding her close. "Ah! Oh my god! Blizzard! It's so high up! How are you not scared?" she questioned, holding onto his neck. "How are you're scared is an even bigger question!" he teased. "Shut up before I knock your teeth out." Midnight snarled. "Oh well if you're going to do that, I should just drop you here and now!"

Suddenly, Midnight gripped onto his neck, worried about falling. "P-Please don't! I'm sorry! Just- don't drop me!" she begged. "I wouldn't dream of it." Blizzard reassured, gently nuzzling her. Both of their cheeks turned red as they looked right into each others' eyes.

Midnight looked away realizing what she was doing, shyly loosening her grip around his neck. "I uh, apologize for scaring you earlier. I didn't think anyone was up at this time of night." Blizzard said, at last, cutting the silence. "What are you doing out so late anyway? Don't you have school things to do?" she asked curiously. "No, I don't actually. Usually, I would be reading and learning about other stuff. But Friday's I like going anywhere the wind takes me."

"So, the wind brought you to me?" Midnight asked playfully. "I guess it did." he smiled. Together they hovered above all the buildings that glowed up brightly in the night. Midnight relaxed a little and leaned into Blizzard who blushed. "Do you trust me?" he asked. Confused, Midnight looked at him curiously, and barely cocked her head. "Um, I guess so! You... You have helped me more than Typhoon really has." she replied. "Why do you ask?" A small smirk crossed his face and she was filled with immediate regret.

He held her tighter. "Hang on tight!" he warned. That's when he dove down, towards the ground. "OH MY GOD! BLIZZARD!" Midnight shouted angrily. Before he hit the ground, he caught himself and flew upwards. He brought her up as high as he could to the sky where the moon's light made him glow up. "Wow... it's so beautiful up here." she gasped, seeing the whole world from above. "I'm glad you like it! I would hate for everything I do to be such a disappointment!"

She chuckled and nuzzled in him more. 

"Relax! I doubt you could disappoint me. Especially after you've helped me since the day we decided to give this "nice thing" a try. We appreciate it." Midnight reassured. "That's good. Really it is." he smiled. That's when he got the idea to take her to a special place where the only lights came from colorful fireflies. "Where are we?" He didn't answer her at first until he placed her onto the ground.

"It's a garden. Not too many people know about it though. I wanted to bring you here eventually, but I couldn't find the time!" he explained. "You wanted to... bring me here?" she asked, blushing even more. Blizzard chuckled and smiled at her again, holding her close to him, hands on her hips. "Well... Midnight... if I'm being truly honest... I've grown to like you. I know that even though we're very different... we could grow to like each other. And... after these past weeks that we've gone through, I found out that I really like you. I don't know what your thoughts are on me, however, I promise you, I'll treat you like a Queen." he promised. "I... I didn't think anyone saw me that way." she blushed.

With one finger, he lifted her chin up and got closer to her face. Close enough where their noses were touching. "You really mean it? You're not playing with me are you?" she asked suspiciously. "I have no reason to. Because I love you." he reassured. Midnight was frozen, not being able to move from the words she just heard.

Without any more hesitation, he leaned in, placed a hand on her cheek, and kissed her passionately.

After he pulled away, Midnight's face, a bright red tomato. "I-I c-can't believe- we just- It was a nice kiss don't get me wrong! I-I mean- I didn't mean to say that! Gosh! Um! Wow- Gimme space!" she ranted, pushing Blizzard away gently. Midnight calmed down and then let him embrace her in his arms. "So? You... You want me as your girlfriend?" she asked. "Of course, Midnight. And I mean what I said. I will treat you like a Queen! Just stay with me." he promised.

That's when Midnight hopped up and allowed Blizzard to hold her up on his waist. "Woah, did not expect this!" he chuckled. "Just shut up and kiss me." she growled playfully.

For a few hours, they stayed in the garden, kissing, cuddling, and watching the sky above.

Only when the sky started turning into a different color did Blizzard decide they should go. "Hey, I think we should-" he began. But he paused when he saw she was asleep. Gently, he picked her up and carried her bridal style. He flew up and carried her back to her apartment where she stayed with the rest of her friends.

Quietly, he opened up the balcony doors and walked inside. Making sure the rest of her friends were asleep, he walked over and placed her back on her bed, covered up with the sheets, and pecked her forehead. "Sleep well." he whispered before closing the doors and flying off.

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