Chapter 69

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Using Nick's technology, he made sure that Eggman couldn't sense them heading anywhere near Mobius. The four of them approached the edge of Mobius where the shield cut them off. They hopped off Pistol's bike that brought them there. The sight of the town made them nervous. They hadn't ever been this far before. They uncovered Ivy from the blanket that they covered her with. She hopped off as Reaper jumped on her shoulder. "Alright, let's go! Let's make this quick!" Envy whispered to them.

Their opening was slim. Reaper approached the shield with the piece of the Emerald still around his neck. He came close creating an opening. He then flew over and held Ivy's hand. They walked over to the shield making the opening expand slightly as they began to walk out. "Remember Ivy, your mom's out there and she can help us! Get over there and don't come back here okay? It'll be okay! Mystic will come back soon! Don't do anything reckless!" Envy explained to her. Ivy nodded her head and moved forward. Nick also placed a tracking device on Ivy to ensure that she made it to a safe space. The shield then began to close as they made it to the other side.

"Be safe!" Pistol cried out, as she began running away. Ivy and Reaper then began their journey off into the town where they would try to look for help. "Alright, we just have to trust that she knows what she's doing. Chaos promised he'd keep Eggman busy but I know that's not going to last long. Let's go head back and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." Hypno told them.

All of them nodded and began running back home.


Ivy and Reaper traveled a long distance away from their own town. Ivy couldn't believe her eyes seeing grass for the first time. She took a minute to play knowing that there was never anything like this back home. While she laughed, Reaper sighed knowing there wasn't any way they were going to get very far.

Just in the distance, were Blizzard and Ruby. "Oh c'mon, Blizzard! Let's just move on! You don't think I'm upset!? Look, it's rough! I get it! I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings! I just... Please!" Ruby cried. Blizzard stopped walking away from her and crossed his arm. "I'll feel better when all this is over!" he snapped. Ruby knew her best friend was upset still. Nothing was changing that. "To be honest, me too..."

Blizzard turned around and faced her. "I try not to get worked up about it, but, everyone's tired of the conflict. I heard from my mom that they're trying to fix everything... Except it's hard to believe that after everything that's happened that it will go that way. Do you think they'll ever come back?" Ruby finally admitted. Blizzard's ears dropped knowing that through the latter part of the following events. "Every day I doubt them less and less. But at the same time... I wanna say they're coming back with their parents being free. Oh, who knows anymore! I'm tired of dealing with this crap that's never gonna end!" he ranted.

Ruby lowered her ears and sighed. She hugged Blizzard from behind. "I get it okay? Each day just gets harder and harder. But... give it time... I'm sure something will change. I mean- look at our parents! They're actually forgiving everyone from Dark Side. My mom never apologizes!" Ruby told him. "Which one?" Blizzard teased. "Well, considering both are stubborn, they're both making strides!"

They shared a quick laugh and Blizzard felt much better. "Thanks, I guess I do need to loosen up... I won't get anywhere if I act like this. Besides, if we're lucky, we might be able to get in contact with them soon."

Just as he said that Reaper perked up from the spot where they were in. He flew up and made himself known. The two teens glanced in his direction before realizing who was coming toward them. Blizzard and Ruby smiled widely seeing him fly right to them. He nuzzled them happily. "Oh wow! Reaper! Where have you been!" Ruby greeted, holding him close. Reaper made snickering noises before flying back to the spot, leaving them standing there confused. When he came back, Ivy was right by his side.

She was hesitant but slowly approached the two who stared at her confused. Ruby flicked her tail to one side, curious about who it was. "Uh, did someone lose a kid?" she asked him. Blizzard shrugged. "I haven't seen anyone with that type of fur coloring lately." he noted. Ruby looked harder and noticed the black and white with a hint of blond strands here and there. "She looks like... Mystic! And his sister!" she exclaimed. Ivy backed away slightly from Ruby's outburst. Reaper gave her a look before flying to Ivy and comforting her.

"Hey! Um... Ivy, right?" Ruby asked her, getting down to her level. Ivy nodded her head shyly. "I figured! I thought you looked familiar. Mystic talked about you!" she told her. Ivy glowed up upon hearing her uncle's name. She walked closer to them. Her tail wrapped around her leg trying to remember what she was going to say. "Trouble..." she whimpered. Both of them exchanged a look with one another. "What do you mean?" Ruby questioned. Ivy gulped and poked her shoe into the ground. "If you're worried about us being mad, we won't be! We know your mom. She's been worried about you and your uncle! What's wrong?"

It's up to you Ivy! Ivy bit her lip at the words that her friends had told her before she left the place.

"Trouble... Eggman is... being bad... Queen Midnight... Bad... Everyone else is scared..."

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