Chapter 3

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For a few hours, the five teens ran through the town trying to get to the museum they had heard about. They had only seen a few others walk through the town. But it didn't matter, they arrived at the museum and waited at the steps. "So, what should we do? I've never broken into a museum before." Mystic replied. "Hmm. Maybe we can climb into a vent?" Smoke suggested. Midnight thought about it and they climbed up the building.

Once at the top, they did find a small space they could climb into and hide. Diamond used her skills to unscrew the vents and crawl through the vents. When she knew they had made it to the spot they needed to be, she unscrewed the vents again and took the lid up, poked her head out, and then gently flew above the ground. She looked around and saw there was no one nearby.

"Alright, c'mon guys! It's safe!" Diamond whispered. The rest of her friends hopped down quietly and quickly on the ground. They looked around, realizing they were in the center of the museum. A small guide showed them certain places where certain things were. "So, this way?" Mystic asked them. Midnight nodded her head and they quietly ran down the hallway. For a while, they walked past a bunch of items they've never seen. On one side, there was a huge Piko Piko hammer on display. Another showed the Shovel Claws underneath a light that stood upon a small stand.

A whole room was dedicated to the X-Tornado where it was shiny and placed carefully. In another room, there were a group of wax statues with a golden plaque. They walked up to the four statues that stood before them. "OG Sonic gang. Wow, dad was right. This place is a dump." Midnight replied vaguely. Smoke looked around and saw there was another light. He walked towards it and peeked inside the room.

Thankfully, no one was there, but even better, the Chaos Emeralds were glowing brightly underneath the spotlights. "Hey, guys, I think I found what we're looking for!" Smoke whispered to them. His friends came to his side and looked at the Seven Emeralds sitting there on the stands. "Oh wow! They look so pretty!" Diamond gasped. "You're just as bad as your mom." Fade sighed. "Okay, so what are we supposed to do now?" Mystic asked.

All of them shrugged until Midnight reached in her backpack. She took out a can of spray paint and sprayed it across the gem area. Sure enough, there was a trap in place already there with heat sensor lasers. "Pft. They're going to have to do more than that if they're going to stop us!" Smoke scoffed. Midnight pulled out a mirror and deflected the lasers away from the Chaos Emeralds. "Alright, Fade, go ahead and grab them." Midnight instructed.

Carefully, Fade reached between the open spaces and grabbed the closest Emerald. "All of them?" she asked. "Might as well. We've already come this far." Mystic replied. While Fade was doing herself to grab the emeralds, Diamond was trying to find a place to relax. She stood up against a post and watched her friends collect the jewels.

As she thought about holding one of those precious emeralds, the post she was leaning on wasn't very stable. It began to tilt and slide over. Before she could stop herself, Diamond crashed into a display. Three hoverboards flew all over the place. Right after they crashed into a wall, an alarm went off. The other four looked around and back to Diamond who sat up rubbing her head. "Diamon what the hell!?" Midnight shouted angrily. "Sorry! I didn't realize!"

Before they could say anything more, they heard angry shouts.

"Hey, did you hear that?"

"I think it's in the Emerald room!"

"Do you really think someone's stealing them though?"

Panicked, Midnight grabbed the backpack and helped Diamond up. "C'mon, we gotta run!" she said, quickly darting off. They ran back to the main hall of the museum and wondered where to go. "I think I heard them go this way!" a voice shouted. Before they knew it, they were surrounded by multiple guards. "Halt! Stop running and put your hands up!" a guard shouted, pointing his stun gun at the others.

Worried, they all looked at each other and wondered what they should do. Midnight looked over to Mystic who put his hands together.

After rubbing them together, he formed a swirl around them and began to block out the guards' vision. Seeing it covering their vision, they tried waving it away, giving the others the chance they needed to run for their lives. They raced down another hallway hoping to find an escape. But they hit a dead end. "Now what!" Fade whined. Midnight looked around carefully, noticed the vent, and used her powers to pry it open. Once the lid blew off, they crawled inside and all through the vents until they made it outside.

All seven Chaos Emeralds were still gently placed in the backpack. That's when they realized they had only made it outside. More specifically on the top building. "Oh great. Now we're stuck and we can't fly off!" Smoke cried. "Diamond, throw us to those buildings over there!" Midnight ordered. Diamond nodded her head and grabbed their wrists one by one and tossed them over to the other side where we then began running again.

Each one had specialties that helped them get across each building with ease. But they began to run out of places to run to. Now more authorities were on their tail to capture them. At one point, Midnight tripped and fell on her knees. By doing so, she dropped the backpack of Chaos Emeralds down the building. "No!" she cried, feeling it slip through her grasp. Smoke grabbed her arm to prevent her from falling.

The backpack fell down a spot and they couldn't see it anymore. "I'll get it, you guys keep running!" Diamond reassured and she flew down to the spot. Taking her advice, they kept moving forward. Right before she could grab their backpack, something took her down to the ground making her land with a hard thud. Due to the hard-hit, Diamond passed out.

Midnight and the others looked back to see what had happened. "Those little shits!" Midnight snapped and raced towards the law. The others weren't too far behind as they reached where the authorities picked up Diamond who was still unconscious. There was still no sign of the Chaos Emeralds. "Captain Knuckles, I'm afraid this isn't the one we were looking for." one went as he picked up Diamond and handed her off to someone else. "Don't worry. I'm still trying to find those Chaos Emeralds. But more importantly, was there anyone else involved?" he asked.

Before someone could answer him, an angry Midnight stepped in front of him. "You hurt my friend!" she shouted angrily. Smoke and Fade both approached her side and drew their own weapons. One carried a knife, the other a nunchucks. Mystic appeared behind a car and used his own powers, intimidated all authorities. Frightened by this, everyone drew their weapons. "Look, kid, I don't want to hurt you! We're not the enemy! Just, please! We don't want to have to use force!" Knuckles warned. "Oh trust me. No weapon of yours could outmatch the abilities we have." Midnight scoffed.

Just as each one was about to use their powers, Midnight fell forward and knocked out. The same thing happened to the three remaining ones and were left in the hands of the people who used their tranq guns. Frustrated by the move taken, Knuckles walked over to the teens knocked out on the ground. He flipped Midnight on her back and looked at her carefully. He realized she looked very much like someone he knew. That's when he looked at the others, who also strange enough, each one still looked like others he knew.

"Hey, you!" Knuckles shouted to one guard, getting his attention. "Send a message to the council. We need a meeting in the morning. There's something they need to see."

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