Chapter 19

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Late that night, Blizzard and the others decided to check up on the five. They felt terrible about what happened to them hours earlier and wanted to try to convince them they weren't wrong for living here. Blizzard knocked on the door. "Midnight, c'mon! You know he doesn't mean it! We all want you here!" he cried. But they received no answer. Misty then pushed aside her friend and knocked on the door.

"Guys, we're sorry about what happened! We're still here for you!" she reassured. Typhoon went through his bag and tried to find a key his dad gave him. When he found it, he used it to unlock the door. "Guys!!!" he shouted into the house. That's when they realized no one was even by the front. "Maybe they're in their rooms!" Curd replied, going to their rooms. Before he could even go to knock, the door barely creaked open and he walked in. "Midnight? Diamond?" he asked. "FADE!" Catrina cried, pushing him out of the way. But of course, they weren't there. Everyone looked everywhere.

Eventually, Ruby found the picture they taped to the mirror. Along with the message. Saddened, she peeled it off and brought it to the others. "They left everything behind..." Finn sighed. "I wish I stood up for them... I didn't know my grandpa was going to say those things..." Astro whimpered. "Hey, don't beat yourself up. None of us knew that anyone was going to say anything." Melany consoled. "It's hard to believe. They were actually a pleasure to have! What if they've actually left!" Sunny wondered. "From what I saw on the mirror... and the fact that none of them are here... I would say they left..." Ruby replied.

Blizzard stepped out on the balcony where he and Midnight would often meet late at night. When he did, he noticed off in the distance that Dark Side wasn't too far off in the distance. It was quite a walking trip. But knowing her, Blizzard knew Midnight and the others would've stolen something to hurry up and get there.

"They went back..." he said. He didn't mean to say so aloud. "You really think so?" Blizzard turned around to see Hunter walking towards him. "I know so... this is all my fault..." he sighed. Hunter reached over to put his hand on his shoulder. "We all played a part. Diamond and the others couldn't have stayed the way we wanted them to be for long. We can't change them... no one can." he sighed.

When the rest of them can outside on the balcony, they saw the dark and crowded town on the other side.

That's when an idea popped into Curd's head. "What if we go and get them?" he suggested. All of them turned to look at him like he was crazy. "Into... that town?!" Hannah cried. "B-But we're not allowed to go there!" Finn added. "Besides, we know nothing about that town! We all know those five when they first came! There's worse than the over there!" Typhoon panicked. "Yeah, but they came all the way here for a reason! Whatever it may be!" Ruby retorted.

"They left because of us. The least we can do is make it up..." Melany replied. They all looked surprised. This wasn't like her at all. "But... what about our parents? Aren't they just gonna come looking for us?" Sunny asked. "That's only if they find out!" Blizzard cried. "You can do whatever you want, but I'm going after Midnight!" he declared, already heading out the door. Ruby wasn't too far behind him. "I'm coming with you! I didn't stand up for Mystic as I should've," she replied. "We're both going!" she declared. Both Finn and Hunter nodded to each other and followed them. "I have to be there for Diamond." Hunter replied.

Finn nodded, looking away, his face filled with sadness. "I'll come. I need to find Fade." Catrina replied. "I'm coming too! You'll need someone to protect you in that town." Typhoon replied. "I wanna come! Midnight's my best friend. I should've stood up for her! So now I have to be here now!" Misty declared. "I'm coming too. I don't know what to expect out there but everyone is great. They didn't deserve this." Melany decided. Everyone nodded and looked to the others.

"I would come, but someone has to be sure that you don't get in trouble." Curd told them. "I'll stay too. Your moms might get really suspicious." Sunny replied. "I'll cover for you Misty." Hannah reassured. They all nodded and looked in the other direction. "We're gonna need a lot of stuff."


Saddened by what she just witnessed, Swift was putting supplies away and trying to set everything up for a different day. When she finally finished, she heard the bell to her mom's shop open up. "Hey, sorry, we're closed. We open at-" she began, turning to look at the door. But it was her friends standing there. "Oh! Guys! Hey, I'm sorry about what happened tonight! That was horrible! How are they doing?" she asked.

They hung their heads and looked down. "Oh... not well?" she asked again. "Actually... we wouldn't know. They ran away..." Hearing this, Swift rushed over to hug Blizzard who almost began crying. "We're going to the other town. But... we can't go like this. We were wondering... do you still have some of "their" clothes in stock?" he explained.

Swift tapped her chin and then motioned them to follow her. In the back, she had stacks of clothes with their style. She distributed a few outfits to each one. Once everyone had something to wear, they stepped out, Swift waiting for them with pairs of shoes for them. Each pair had a little bit of heel and a few went up past their ankles. "Hmmm. You almost look like them when they came. We just gotta fix the look a little!" she replied.

Taking her time, she fixed their hair, quills, and fur. Then she made sure to put on makeup that she saw Fade and Diamond wear occasionally. Once all of them were put together, they looked in the mirror at their new look. "Woah... I never thought I would see myself like this..." Melany gasped as she barely tapped her purple lipstick. "Tell me about it, I've never worn makeup and I'm already dreading it!" Ruby cried, blinking her eyes rapidly. "If it means we can find them faster, I don't care at this point!" Finn replied, trying to get comfortable in his leather jacket. "It's gonna take a while to get used to it. But we can't worry about that now. We've gotta head over there while it's still dark." Blizzard replied. 

"It's quite the journey to get there! You're going to need some way to get there." Swift replied. "Don't worry, we've got away. But... don't tell our parents that we've left. It'll drive them insane!" Hunter pleaded. "I'll try my best. But my mom's scary!" Swift replied. "It's okay, we'll try to be in and out." Blizzard reassured. She nodded and patted his shoulder. "Good luck out there." 

They walked out of the shop, confident about what they had done, now going to a garage. In their spare time, Vector and Charmy often repaired old vehicles. Finn, sneaky as he was, managed to grab the keys and start up one of the cars. "Let's hope your dad doesn't kill us." Typhoon sighed. Hunter started up the car and quickly headed out of the garage. They headed down the streets, past main buildings, and even past their own homes. They knew what they could be doing is potentially dangerous. But it was worth it to them.

Now it was coming to an end of the road. The sun was starting to come up.

It was now or never. 

It was a couple of hours in the car. They were getting anxious the closer they got to the other town that seemed darker than night itself. Even as the sun came up. When they reached a certain part of the road, the car suddenly jolted and came to a stop. They all got out of the car and looked at what the damage could possibly be. It turned out there was broken glass that caused a flat.

"Ugh... now we're really dead..." Typhoon cried. "Oh relax! It's not that bad! Just... one tires' flat." Misty replied vaguely. "Oh well... it'll have to wait. We're already here..." Blizzard said. They looked in front of them. The huge unknown town that they have never once ventured in before, was now within a few footsteps. Their beloveds and friends are somewhere within the huge dark city. It gave off the vibe that told them to go away, to leave before something awful happened to them, and to warn them of unknown danger.

Each one took a deep breath and looked in front of them. "Well... it's now or never..." Blizzard sighed. He took one little step at a time heading into the town. Everyone else followed behind him, facing fear straight in the eye.

They had entered Dark Side.

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