Chapter 58

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"You know what you're saying is crazy right? Letting them roam around free?! You're inviting more trouble to come into town!" Sonic exclaimed at Knuckles. When his palms hit the table it made everyone jump back. Queen Elise kept her composure as she glanced over at the red echidna.

"Look, I know they've done some messed up stuff that we can't ignore, but we can't act like we haven't either! We've just destroyed everything that they've created and for what?! Our kids are miserable, their kids hate us, and their own town is blocked off so we can't access it. That's already dangerous! We have no idea what their kids are doing which puts all of us at risk. What we're doing isn't working. That's what I need you to understand! It's. Not. Working. I don't want anyone to get hurt at all. It's not what I want either. But I need you guys to understand that keeping them in those cells rotting away won't fix anything. We need a new approach and I think this is going to work."

Everyone sat in silence thinking about Knuckles' proposition. "Knuckles are you sure this isn't about your situation with Rouge? Or perhaps your own feelings for Rouge?" Espio asked him. At first, Knuckles didn't want to say anything. "No. It's not about that. Rouge has her own problems aside from the others. The reason I'm working with her is that I feel like she has the most redemption possibility right now. Right now I have her in a position where I can keep an eye on her."

Blaze leaned forward into her seat. "As much as you think it'll work, how do we know it's the solution? If we were to allow them to walk around free then we're putting the citizens at risk. Not to mention the minute we let them free that they'll take the opportunity to try to run back home." she pointed out. "That's why I'm keeping a really close eye on Rouge right now. Everyone else can have someone to look after them to make sure there isn't anything going on. I mean you guys probably have someone in mind to try this with!"

Nobody said anything yet. "I'm willing to try." Silver spoke. Ears perked up and heads turned to see the albino hedgehog holding his hands together. "Knuckles is right. What we're doing isn't working at all. All of them have something against us. And rightfully so. We've made their entire lives a living hell. Their kids are pissed at us and are possibly planning something to get back at us. Or maybe not. Maybe it's how it was before. They just want to be alone and away from us for good until their parents come back."

Hearing those words made them feel different feelings about the prisoners. "I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be pissed if my kid was ripped away from me. Not that it matters, he hates me right now. So... what do we have to lose?" Knuckles softly smiled at Silver's support. "I'm going to be honest, neither of them is wrong. I'll be willing to help. I owe that much to my daughter. I failed her once but I can't let it happen again. If we can't help them to change or improve ourselves, how do we expect anything good to come out of it? I stand with Knuckles. Let's give it a try." Whisper replied.

"I suppose since we're all going to be helping out, I should too. I knew Infinite even before the attack he unleashed on our old home. I want to help. There's a lot we missed out on in their lives. We could've done something then and we can still help now. We can make up for it! It wasn't their fault that their kids came here, to begin with... well, mostly. Clearly, we didn't help the given situation though. Giving them a chance isn't going to break us." Gadget pointed out.

Queen Elise stood up to address her Council. "I'll say all you bring up valid points. Knuckles, you are making very long strides. Unpredictable ones at the matter. However, I can see the good that comes out of this. But you have to remember that everyone involved will be held responsible if something happens throughout the duration of working with them. Do I make myself clear?" Knuckles nodded his head. "I'm well aware of the consequences your highness."

She smiled and approached the table. "Knuckles has unmistakably taken on the task of Rouge. She will be his responsibility. Does anyone want to take anyone else want to assist with the others?" Elise questioned them. "Lightning. I'll take Lightning." Whisper spoke up. "I can try to work with Infinite. I'm not sure how much he'll like that but I can see how far I get with him." Gadget replied. "I'll handle Mephiles. I told him I would try to fix it. Besides, we've got our own catching up to do." he told them.

"Is there anyone who will take on Scourge? His temper is out of control. I'm not sure who's skilled or patient enough to handle him. Or Jet? I know he's healing but he seems to be doing better.  And then there's still Fiona, she wouldn't even look half of us in the eyes. I'm not sure if she'll even react." Elise addressed.

Nobody volunteered themselves waiting to hear if anyone had any ideas. Amy opened her journal to look at her notepad. "According to my notes, Scourge never made a decision about who he wants as a temporary therapist. I wanted him to get some help yet every time someone tries to get close to him, he responds aggressively. Although, I did hear from a few of those who are in charge of the prison that Manic had the most luck with him so far. Manic was the only one that Manic slightly held back from attacking him. Now, this doesn't mean Scourge isn't hostile toward him. Despite that, we can't just ignore it! Sonic, talk to your brother, I'm sure we can get the two to get along." Amy urged her friend. "If anyone can get through to anyone, it's him."

Sonic nodded his head and took out his phone to text Manic. "I think maybe Wave should try to help out Jet. The two trust each other enough to talk to each other on a deeper level. Shouldn't be too hard right? Besides, Wave told me herself she wants to prove to Jet that she still has his back." Sally told the group. "Lastly, there's Fiona. Where are we going to find anyone that'll get through to that fox? I mean she's so stubborn as it is, who's going to tolerate her for that long? I mean there has to be some sort of opposite right?" Queen Elise cried.

Just then Tangle walked into the room carrying a few folders while whistling and trotting into the room. "Hey, your majesty! Sorry, I'm late, I had to make a few errands before coming here. Anyways, here's those files you were asking for!" Tangle replied as he handed it over to her leader. Just as she was about to walk away, all eyes were suddenly on her. She was startled and looked back and forth at those around her.

"Uh... y'all good?" she questioned confused. "What do you have on your schedule, Tangle?" Queen Elise asked. "Uh, let's see here, I've gotta help move packages, help with decorating a new place or something, and then I'm helping with setting up an event-"

"Well tell them that you are exempted from all of that because we need your help. Will you help us with the redemption of the current prisoners? Please."

Tangle was definitely taken off guard but didn't want to seem rude. She also knew the circumstances of the situation. "Whatever you need me to do, I'll do. I'm not sure how good I am at this but if you're in need of my assistance then I'm here for you!" Tangle smiled giving them a thumbs up. Queen Elise smiled and nodded her head. "We'll get started tomorrow. But for now, let's get our rest."

Just as they were cleaning up to go, Cream stood up and spoke. "W-Wait, what about Shadow? Doesn't he need someone?" she asked worriedly. Elise opened her mouth to speak but Sonic beat her to it. "No. He's going to stay in there. There's no way we can let him out with the things he's capable of." Sonic declared. "B-But Sonic, he deserves a chance just as much as the others!" Cream snapped. "Do you realize the threat he poses?! It's too dangerous Cream. I'm sorry but he stays in that cell." Sonic then walked out leaving her upset.

Yet if there's one thing we know about Cream, it's that she does things her way.

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