Chapter 68

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Mobius had taken a few days to rebuild everything that had been destroyed in their town. There had been no news from Dark Side at all. But they already knew Midnight and the others were behind the whole ordeal. Now there was just the matter of getting into Dark Side. Shadow stood there investigating it. He reached out to touch it only for the tips of his glove to be burned off. "Ouch! I felt that through layers in my glove..." he hissed, holding his hand.

There was nothing Shadow could do despite using Chaos Emeralds, there wasn't anything he could do to even make a dent. After straining once more, he turned to the others with him. "I... I can't do it... Whatever it is, it's reinforced to hold over much longer. And because Midnight's gotten more powerful than me, even I can't break this. I don't know how else to get around this place without anyone getting hurt. This shield even goes underground."

Glancing around the area, the group knew he was right. "We have to get in touch with Dark Side somehow. That's the only way we'll be able to talk to anyone." Sonic realized. "But we don't have a sense of communication! Hell, Dark Side doesn't even have service that works!" Tangle replied. Rouge cleared her throat to get their attention. They turned around to see her lift her wing and reveal Reaper who crawled up to her shoulder. Scourge stood beside her while laughing nervously while holding his hand out to let the little Cho climb on his hand. Reaper snickered evilly as he stared at them with his adorable little eyes.

"What the- how did he get here?!" Knuckles exclaimed. "Uh- well, about that!" Scourge chuckled nervously. "I'm pretty sure our kids had something to do with it. After the last big fight that we had, they sent him here pretty quickly. Reaper found Scourge first before coming here. At least that's what he's said so far. We would've told you about him sooner but we didn't exactly have your trust back then!" Rouge explained briefly. "Ugh! Rouge! That information would've been a lot helpful a while back." Amy huffed. "I know, but I kind of forgot until now! Anyways, maybe we can try to get back him back. He does have a piece of the Chaos Emerald."

Lifting Reaper to the shield, a small opening formed in the shield. He squeaked in surprise but crawled inside. As soon as he did, the opening closed up. Flashing his shark-like teeth, he waved at them from the other side. "Okay Reaper, are you gonna be okay looking for Midnight?" Shadow asked him. He nodded his head frantically and saluted the black and red hedgehog. "Well, go on now. Tell them everything so far. Don't do anything stupid though."

Reaper nodded his head and then began to fly out.

"Do you think he'll be okay going in there alone?" Espio asked him. "Reaper was trained to know every corner of Dark Side and avoid any dangerous areas. He'll be fine." Shadow replied. Yet deep down, there was a part that made him concerned.


The red and black Cho flew around everywhere, wandering the quiet town that didn't seem to have anyone active in. Which is accurate considering the lack of citizens. Either way, Reaper searched everywhere for someone to come out and notice him. But that never happened. At some point, he did hear a commotion. It was at the center of the town where everyone was gathered around to follow direct orders from Eggman. Reaper was confused, Eggman was never in charge of anything before. What changed?

As he found a place to hide and listen, he heard the mad scientist laugh. "Now that we have all that we need, we can finally do what I've always wanted to do since we were banished here. We'll take back Mobius! And we'll show no mercy against those rodents that ruined everything!" he announced. The crowds were confused considering a night ago, they were told that they were going to mend their problems with the opposite. "Uh, Grandpa, I don't think that's a good idea. We don't have that kind of power to go against Mobius right now." Nick warned his grandfather, unaware of his true intentions.

"Nonsense! I'm planning on giving them exactly what they deserve! They wanted these problems! If they wanted to settle things properly, they would've fixed it with us a long time ago. So unless you want to go out on your own, I suggest you back off." Eggman warned, his glare deepening as he stared down at Nick. Startled, Nick slightly leaned back. He turned to look at Envy, Hypno, and Pistol who didn't know what to think of his sudden outburst. Ivy took cover by Chaos and Chaos Jr. who didn't like the way Eggman was being either. "Now, unless someone has a problem with it, they can gladly leave this entirety of the town and this nation as a whole. Do I hear objections?!"

No one said anything in response to this knowing he could've done something much worse. "That's what I thought! It's nice to know that I have wonderful citizens that I can count on! Isn't that right your majesty?!" Eggman cheered. Out of the dark, Midnight walked to his side, her head slightly down. She then looked up at the crowd, her eyes now being completely bright green. Then she nodded, confirming their suspicions. Not only that, her other companions joined her side, their eyes the same way.

Reaper saw this and his little wings began fluttering anxiously. He knew something wasn't right. He flew over to another section where he could get a better view. "Prepare all of you! You're about to witness history in the making! The day Dark Side took down Mobius!" he shouted before standing up. "It will be the last time I let them have the last laugh! They'll pay for what they did to me." he huffed before walking away from the scene.

The five teens then began following behind him. Everyone was completely confused by the whole ordeal and knew something wasn't right. 

"Okay, this isn't right." Pistol hissed. "Well duh! The green eyes were a dead giveaway, to begin with!" Hypno exclaimed. "He's not wrong!" Envy replied. "Well, there's something we need to do! I'm not letting him take over this entire place and ruin our lives even more than they have! I mean this is getting old! I just wanna chill out for once!" Hypno exclaimed. Pistol looked over to see Nick walking over to him. "Guys, I'm sorry. I'm not sure what to do. I only watch him for so long! I swear to god, ever since he got those legs, he's been acting so insane lately. And now this?! Do we have a plan?! I know I'm not the only one worried about getting blown up again!" he cried.

None of them spoke up knowing they didn't have any better ideas. "I mean it's not like we have a way to get over there. They're going to lock us up before listening to any of us. And who's going to get back over there without the dude noticing? He'll notice if we leave!" Pistol cried. Reaper hurried over to their sides and chuckled making his presence known. They turned to see the young Chao snickering as he nuzzled Envy. "Oh my gosh! It's Reaper! Midnight's little pet, they got him from Mobius! So- somehow everything's working out for us? Damn, that's a first." she replied, petting the Chao softly.

"Well, now what are we going to do?" Pistol grumbled. Reaper adjusted himself so that they could see the piece of Emerald around his neck and used its power to project their parents into Mobius moving around freely. "Oh my god... They're over there and they're not hurt. At least we've got that going for us... But... how do we go over there? How did you get over here!?" Hypno questioned. Reaper rolled his eyes and motioned once again to the piece of Emerald around his neck. The others felt really stupid about not noticing it until now and sighed. "I swear we're only losing more and more brain cells living in this town."

Envy rolled her eyes and stared down at Reaper who explained that if they wanted help, he needed to return to the old town. "Alright, Reaper has a plan. All we have to do is make sure Dark Side doesn't destroy itself. But he says he needs someone to go with him in order to tell them what's going on." she explained to them. "Well, it'll be hard for us to go. My grandpa's going to notice if any of us disappear. It's too obvious!" Nick cried. They looked at each other. "Who else could we send? If any of us go regardless if the dude noticed or not, they won't listen to us, even with our parents over there." Pistol added.

That's when they saw Ivy trot up to them with Chaos and his smaller version by her side. "Where's Mystic?" Ivy whimpered. The four exchanged looks before glancing back at Ivy.

"He's a bit busy right now! Uh-" Hypno turned to face his friends. "Help me out here!" he cried. That's when Envy thought about something. "Hey, Ivy, Mystic is busy. But, he asked us if you would help us out with something. Would you do that for us?" she asked the young girl. Ivy immediately began nodding her head. "I've got a solution, but it'll have to be quick."

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