Chapter 55

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Ivy's stomach growled hearing the food simmering in a pan, crackling and popping. "Mysty- I'm hungry..." she whimpered, clutching her stomach. "I know I know! I'm almost done." Mystic reassured her. He put the food on a plate before handing it over to his young niece. She began eating it slowly just as Hypno, Smoke, and Pistol walked through the door of his house. "Dude, we gotta do something about this food situation! It's getting too low!" Hypno pointed out. "Don't worry. Believe it or not, Dark Side has plenty of supplies and resources. My dad managed to save up for these kinds of situations. But it's not like we'll be able to last on that forever either." Mystic told them.

"So what are we going to do? It's not like we can get there without Mobians noticing us! There's no way in hell we can get stuck over there as well." Pistol noted. "I know but until Midnight and Fade can do something about the food. Diamond is trying to find anything that her mom has at Rouge's restaurant. But after all of that's gone... I'm not sure what we're going to do." Mystic decided. "Well, we can't just stand around and do nothing!" Smoke exclaimed. "Dude! I know! But Midnight's calling all the shots! We have to wait."

They groaned and sat down wherever they were inside the house. Mystic, feeling like a failure, looked down at the ground sadly. Smoke knew he had hurt his friend and walked over. "Hey, we're all struggling. I'm sorry. It's been hard on all of us..." he told him. Mystic nodded his head and sighed. "If we're going to get back at Mobius, we've gotta be smart. Not only that, we've gotta see what Midnight is going to want us to do. Do we have to get supplies down here?" Smoke questioned him. Just as they were thinking about it, there was a knock on the door.

Pistol who was the closest stood up to get to the door in order to answer it. To his surprise, it was Midnight herself. "Your Majesty," he answered, bowing to her. "Please don't do that. You're embarrassing yourself!" Midnight teased. "Okay okay! I just wanted to show respect to one of my best friends!" he replied. Smoke followed along and hit his knees. "Smoke, get your ass up before I beat you!" she added playfully. Smoke got up frantically and nodded his head. "Well now that I'm here with the rest of you, I needed to speak with you about a few things," she told me. "

The group inside the house went inside the living room of Mystic's house and sat down. "Right now we're all in peril for Dark Side because there's literally no one here to help us out with this new situation. The only real help I've had lately is from Eggman. I don't think I want help from him. Something about him makes me suspicious of him. But just because he can walk again doesn't mean I see him as a huge threat to us or Mobius. The only reason I'm not going to do anything about the Mobians right now is that I think I know how to make all of our portions last for the time being. My dad taught me how to manage the fields and other older factories so we can manage things from there. I've sent Reaper into their territory, for now, to find out how our parents and the others are doing. So let's take it easy and try to reassure that the kids are okay... Because right now I know they're not."

Her friends nodded their heads. "Are you sure we shouldn't worry about the food situation? It could mean trouble later on." Smoke wondered. "Are you doubting my capabilities, Smoke?" Midnight asked, a playful smile forming across her face. "No ma'am!" he responded. Mystic adjusted himself and motioned to Hypno and Pistol to leave. They got up and bowed to Midnight telling her goodbye while they left the place. Midnight knew what Mystic was attempting and her ears lowered to her head.

Just as their other friends had left, Diamond and Fade entered Mystic's house. "Hey Night! Glad to know you're still with us." she sighed as she sat next to her friend on the couch. "As if she could leave us. There's nowhere else to go in this dump." Fade grumbled, plopping right next to Diamond. Midnight rolled her eyes sadly and sunk into the pillows. Ivy walked into the room and went straight up to Mystic who let her sit on his lap. "Listen, Midnight, we need to talk about what's going on. Let's be real. We're all dealing with shit right now." Mystic told her. Midnight blinked twice briefly, trying to avoid tears from falling down her cheeks.

Diamond leaned onto Midnight's shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. We're in this together. We've got each other right now. We've always had each other and nothing's going to change that. Not even Mobius or our parents. So c'mon, let's talk." Diamond told her before turning to the rest of her friends. Fade sighed and sat up seeing that Midnight wasn't going to say anything. 

"Well, okay, I'll go first. So life sucks ass right now because my dad isn't here. Uh, I thought everything was settled once everything was fine but apparently not since those privileged assholes decided to ruin everything. But it is what it is. Sometimes you have to learn to suck it up. Hypno is the only family that I have left in this town so you could say I'm more protective of him because I'm scared of losing him too. Not only that, I was backstabbed by the one person I thought loved me. It'll be a long time before I'm ready to move on... Okay enough of this deep shit from me! I've said my piece, next!"

Everyone barely smiled knowing Fade was always willing to step up when she needed to. Smoke cleared his throat and opened his mouth.

"Life, it happened right? I was just celebrating with the best friends I've ever had and all of the sudden, I hear that my dad is getting arrested. I was so shocked. Like, what the hell you know? Heh, the surprises Mobius loves to pull are unbelievable. I miss my dad a lot. Seeing him trapped inside a truck and not being able to do anything about it makes me so angry. I mean the desperation on his face of him wanting to be back with us... it hurts. And the thing that sucks... I didn't get to say goodbye. And there's no way I'll get the chance to now." he sighed.

Mystic sat up better to see his friends better. "Look, if it makes anyone here feel any better. I feel like shit too. Literally, I have to look after someone so little..." Mystic stroked a piece of fur out of Ivy's eyes as she was sleeping then shook his head. "How do I tell her there's a possibility that her mom might not come home... How do I tell her we might ever be normal again and that more stupid shit is gonna happen while we're here? First, we lose everyone that we know and love in this town and next thing we know... we're back to square one. Like, are we going to have to do everything ourselves?"

Diamond barely flapped her wings and settled in her spot. "If anything we don't have a major support system. My mom used to have to figure everything out for the team and of course, our parents had to figure things out on their own too. But still, at least they knew what they were doing. We barely have a clue about our new roles. We're the only thing that's left for those left here to follow... When I heard my mom was hurt... I couldn't believe it. If there's anything we have to do together is finally to solve all the issues we have so far."

They all looked over at Midnight who was still silent about everything so far. She didn't want to share how she was feeling. But if she didn't she knew it'd be eating her alive.

"I have to admit... these past few days... they've been really killing me inside. I have no idea what to do nowadays. I feel like I'm failing this entire town every single day because I don't have what my dad has to lead... My head hurts because I can't stop thinking about the possible attacks we could face nor can I stop thinking about how Mobius ruined our lives yet again I can't rest until I get this all worked out and I'm scared since I'm learning about my new powers or trying to make sense of what Mobius is done. Not only that... I... I miss our friends... I miss our parents... I miss... I can't even believe I'm saying it but... I miss Blizzard... And I shouldn't but I do- and I thought you guys would judge me... But you guys aren't like that... I have to fix everything. I will fix it. I will rebuild this place... For now though... I'm just happy I have you guys..."

The five of them stood up carefully and came in for a group hug. "If there's one thing we can depend on it's each other..." Fade told them. They stood there together trying to make it last.

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