Chapter 25

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Midnight and the rest of them already made it closer to their location. It was close to eleven at night. Fade and Smoke looked around for the building they knew their parents would be in. It turns out Eggman still has a functioning workshop.

As they approached the door, they were faced with a large alien-like creature that rose to face all five that stood in front of him. "AH! Oh, it's just you Chaos. Are our dads here? I know they like to help Eggman a lot now." Fade asked him. Even though he was intimidating, he made a soft, calm noise and turned behind him. A smaller version of him and he gladly waddled over to the teens. "Aww! Chaos Jr.!" Diamond geeked as she squatted down to get a better look at him. "Oh he's getting bigger!" she smiled, staring deep into his green eyes.

Everyone else smiled and went to see him. Chaos approached them and his tiny child came back to his side. After one more small calm noise, he let them pass him. "Thanks, Chaos!" Smoke thanked as they ran inside the building where they believed Mephiles and Scrouge were staying. On the inside, it was dark and musty, and very dim lights.

Making it to another room inside the place, there were led into a brighter room where a teen boy standing underneath a light. A better look and Fade knew just who it was. "Nick!" she greeted excitedly as she ran up to him. Nick turned around and smiled as he welcome Fade with open arms. "Hey! It's good to see you! Oh wow! You all came back!" he replied awed. Smoke hugged Nick tightly, remembering all the times they shared when he was first born into Dark Side.

"It's good to have you two back. Honest to God... I thought you all ran away!" Nick chuckled and hugged Diamond, Mystic, and Midnight who embraced him.

After another minute, they let go and turned their attention to a whirring sound that made them peer at the figure coming into the lit-up room. Midnight recognized the figure right away and gently walked over to it. "Eggman?" she asked out loud. "Ah! I was wondering if that was you! Wow, you have grown." a much older Eggman replied, strolling into the dim light on his motorized wheelchair.

Another hug and they settled down. "We were wondering if you ever coming back to Dark Side! Honestly... we thought you forgot about us." Eggman sighed. "Grandpa, they couldn't ever forget someone like you!" Nick said teasingly, trying to lighten the mood. "Nick's right, Dark Side is our forever home. We're never leaving it again!" Midnight reassured him. Eggman smiled and looked to the rest of the teens. "Well, on that note, I'll let you head downstairs! I know you're dying to see your fathers! They should be in their usual room."  Fade and Smoke both looked at each other excitedly before heading downstairs.

Midnight, Diamond, Mystic, and even Nick followed right behind them and followed downstairs where everyone was hanging out. Downstairs, there were tons of other mechanics hanging around everywhere in the basement. They walked past many well-known faces to Dark Side. Many waved to say hello and others just dismissed their arrival. Although, all of them approached one specific fox. She was welding pieces of metal together. Midnight knew she only was approachable by so many others or else she'd be putting up a fight.

Taking caution into mind, she gently approached Fiona who's back was turned to her, and gently placed her hand on her shoulder. Instantly, the intimidating and beautiful fox swung around rapidly with a welder in hand and lifted the protective shield off of her face. At first, she was a little annoyed but when she realized it was Midnight, she couldn't believe her eyes.

In shock, she dropped her welder and it hit the ground before turning off. "Oh my god... Midnight... I..." she said in surprise. Midnight smiled faintly and wanted to give her a hug but was hesitant. Fiona noticed this and she stood up to hug her tightly. "It's been so long..." she gasped. "I know, I don't even remember the last time we saw each other!" Midnight said softly. "Where have you been?! No one has seen you for weeks!" Fiona cried.

"We're sorry. We didn't mean to be gone for so long. I just... I promised my dad we'd bring back something that's really important." Midnight explained. "I don't care... I just know I missed having an apprentice," Fiona sighed. "What, Pistol wasn't enough?" Midnight teased. "Har har. He's more than enough. But lately, he's been busy trying to protect your title." she replied. "But he should be back soon. He usually goes hunting this time of night." she added.

Just as she said that the basement door slammed open, hitting the wall hard. "Mom! We're back! I was able to get quite the catch!" a voice shouted. Everyone's attention turned to the back as he came with tons of members of his gang along his sides. They also had others around their sides that struggled in their grasp. "Woah, you weren't kidding. You are definitely my child." she smiled and ruffled her son's hair. "I love you, even if you're both wild children." she replied, also looking over at Hypno.

The five were confused so they walked up closer to get a better look. "Let go of us!" Typhoon snapped. Another member smacked him on the back of his head with a gun and he started falling forward. With his hands tied, Hunter tried to prop Typhoon back up to prevent him from falling hard on the ground. "Leave him alone! What is your problem!" Melany cried angrily. "Can it princess." Pistol warned. Realizing their friends were the ones who have been captured.

"Let us loose and I'll show you what we can really do!" Blizzard shouted angrily. "Oh, I don't think so." Hypno snarled, barely shoving the gun into his back. Blizzard hissed in pain as he fell to the ground. "Hey! Cut it out!" Midnight demanded and she quickly got down on her knees to attend to Blizzard. "M-Midnight..." Pistol and Hypno gasped looking at her for the first time in a while.

She looked up at both boys and the others approached them, trying to see their friends. "Yeah! It's me! What the hell! You hurt my boyfriend!" Midnight shouted angrily. Diamond and Fade helped the others with the ropes they were tied with. Pistol was taken back but his face filled with regret. "I'm... I'm so sorry! I had no idea!"

Once she calmed down, Midnight took a deep breath and sighed heavily. Knowing it wasn't their fault, Midnight stood up and hugged her friends from a young age. "It's okay... To be honest... I was wondering when I'd see you again." she replied calmly. Fade, Smoke, Diamond, and Mystic joined her, knowing how much they had missed their old home. Nick smiled seeing his friends in one place.

After they all settled down, the five's attention returned to their mates. "Why are you back here!" Midnight questioned annoyed. "We... We got lost! But then... we ran into them and they captured us... I told you we don't know anything about this place!" Blizzard explained. Stressed out by this, Midnight relaxed in place and everyone in the room looked at them confused.

"Look... I'll explain later... But right now we have more important things to worry about. Where's Mephiles and Scourge?" she asked them.

Most of everyone in the room pointed to the door in the back, staring at Smoke and Fade. Both of them were more than ready to see their parents. Quickly they raced to the door and slowed down as they reached the door. Both stared at each other knowing something could go down before they entered the room. "You know how wild our parents are." Smoke said to Fade calmly. "I know... I mean we're their kids after all." Fade reassured teasingly. Smoke smirked and knew deep down that they'd be ok.

But it's been so long. Looking behind them, their friends showed that they had their support all the way through. Then together, they burst through the entrance.

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