Chapter 67

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Everyone in Dark Side was slightly disappointed by Reaper's report of the events that unfolded from the attack. Midnight was somewhat relieved to hear that Shadow stopped all of the robots before it got too chaotic for Mobius to handle. She stood on top of a roof overlooking the entire town to see their neighbors. There was smoke and rubble, buildings were visibly broken and cracking. Midnight's quills flew in her face thinking about everything she had done. This was a bad idea... I shouldn't have sent an attack... I doubt it'll change anything... But it shouldn't have happened. I need to head in there tomorrow as soon as I can...

Midnight jumped down from the roof of the building to meet up with her friends who waited for her at the foot of her house's stairs. All of them barely dipped their heads seeing her upon arrival before waiting for an answer. "Guys, we can't keep doing this. It's wrong... Even though we were raised this way... I know we can do better. How do you feel about going back to Mobius?" she told them. All of their ears perked hearing her response. "Do you think that's a good idea right now? After... you know?" Smoke questioned. "We can't hide forever. Besides, if it's just the five of us, I think they'd be willing to listen." Mystic pointed out.

"After all, we're running out of options. I want to see my mom again. I'll go with you Night." Diamond added, smiling. Midnight smiled. "I guess if you're going I will. Someones gotta make sure Diamond's dumbass doesn't do anything stupid." Fade added playfully. "I'm going if you guys are!" Smoke cheered. Mystic rolled his eyes. "Looks like I don't really have much of a choice do I?" he scoffed.

They agreed they'd go to Mobius. First, they went to the center of town to announce it to their town to reassure them that everything would be okay as long as they went in their group to show they meant no threat. Not to mention they had Reaper inside of Mobius who would look out for any signs of trouble. Many were surprisingly satisfied with the overall decision.

Well... almost everyone.

Eggman ruffled his mustache hearing the news. His robot companions noticed the shift in his behavior. They knew he wasn't happy about the announcement. "So, they genuinely want to undo everything we've managed to work towards? Putting Mobius in a vulnerable position was the best thing we could've ever done! I know that it was only because we were attacked first, but it doesn't make it fair! I didn't spend over 19 years in a damn wheelchair just to get pushed to the side and get told we're playing nice! I plan to get back at every one of those rodents and I plan to make the most of those brats who wanted this cold revenge to begin with!" he yelled.

Annoyed, he rubbed his forehead. He then got up with several robots by his side to head out of his base and find the five teens. He found them heading back to Midnight's house to finish some things before they would head out the next day. Eggman balled up his hand into a fist and entered the house. While the five had been talking for a bit, they didn't notice that he just walked in and made himself comfortable.

Mystic noticed him first and felt something was off.

"What the hell..." he said at last. The others turned their heads to see him standing there. "Eggman? What are you doing here?" Midnight questioned suspiciously. Eggman shrugged. "I heard about the news! I think it's very courageous of you to want to go back after all this time! Although, don't you think it's a bit early?" he asked them worriedly. Something didn't feel right about the way he was asking. "I'm sorry?" Midnight replied, confused. "Listen, I know you guys aren't exactly the heartless type. But I don't think you are making all the right decisions," he told them, coming to Midnight's side. "Now, your Majesty, I don't want to tell you what to do with your new home because that would be wrong. But let's be honest... Who's going to welcome you in their town? Surely there's no one there besides your parents who would accept you into the town? You have no one! It'd be terrible to walk in there without notice."

Smoke's ears were now twitching. He didn't trust Eggman either. Midnight was wondering what he was trying to do. "Eggman I appreciate what you're trying to do but we'll be okay. I know Mobius has every reason to hate us right now but I've got it handled. My powers will be enough to protect us and our parents will vouch for us again. I have faith Eggman. Why are you so concerned all of the sudden?" she asked worriedly. "Simple, I want to be sure that Dark Side isn't quitting so easily! After all, these awful rodents took away the only things that made you feel complete. And they hurt your father when all they wanted was to bring hope to this barren place. Please... do think wisely." Eggman explained, his voice getting low at the end.

Fade was ready to attack if she needed it now. Midnight glared at him. "What is exactly that you want from us? You seem rather hesitant about us going into Mobius. In fact, you're acting really fucking suspicious and I don't appreciate it. Why are you against us?"

Eggman now gave up. "I'm angry that you're throwing away all this work just after an attack that proved to be successful! I can easily make a whole other army in a matter of minutes! But instead, you insist on going to the other side where our enemy stands?! I'm sorry that I can't stand behind something that you were so ready for in the first place!" Eggman snapped. Midnight rolled her eyes. "Listen, if you don't like it, just stay back! No one's forcing you to come with us. Hell, you don't have to stick around if you don't feel like it. Even though Nick will be hurt you don't have to. Just stay out of our way!"

That's when she got up to leave. Eggman sneered as he pulled her Chaos Emerald out from behind him. "Where are you gonna do without this?" he asked her. The group stood there stunned as Midnight frantically checked her jacket pocket. "You know, I didn't think it'd be that easy but considering my circumstances, I guess it was easier than I thought!" Eggman laughed in his usual way as Midnight rushed at him. "Ah ah!" he replied, flashing the Emerald in her face. Immediately Midnight's pupils dilated and she fell to the ground. "Night!" Diamond cried, racing to her side. 

"What did you do you bastard?!" Mystic shouted angrily, heading right toward Eggman. Eggman then flashed the Emerald more, this time it was much brighter.

All of them fell unconscious as Eggman stood there laughing evilly. "Turns out I don't have to do a lot of work after all! Now... Whether you want to or not... We're going to end Mobius. One way or another!"

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