Chapter 48

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Another day at Mobius High. Except... it wasn't like it usually was. Every Mobian knew about what had gone down with Dark Side and the five teens who had robbed the museum. They also figured out what the Councils' children had done. Many of them were surprised but didn't say anything in response. Throughout the day many of them had their peers shoot their looks of concern or worry.

The teachers were shocked and couldn't wrap their heads around their students' actions. Many of them were quick to show their disapproval. Eventually, they made it to lunch period and sat together at the longest table in the cafeteria. Nobody else joined them and often scrambled throughout the high school campus.

As for the teens, they sat there in defeat, barely eating their lunch. "This is so boring... Smoke and I would always play cards while eating lunch..." Misty sighed. "Well... Mystic would stay with me in the library... we had a lot of fun reading together..." Ruby said silently. "I remember playing kickball with Fade for the Athletics team. She was the best on the team..." Astro told them. "Yeah... Diamond helped make some of our dresses for fashion week... I'll never forget that sort of passion one has for a dress." Hannah told them.

Blizzard looked away at the window to his right, not paying attention to the group. Typhoon gave a slight chuckle looking out at the outside. "Y'know, I remember on their first day and everyone hated them. Now... I feel like this place just got emptier without them." They nodded their heads in agreement. The whole lunch went by very slowly. Eventually, they were back to class doing what they were doing.

None of them could focus on anything. The last words they had with anyone from Dark Side were heartless. None of them were welcome back ever again. Once school ended, they headed out together. They all walked to Wave's shop where Swift was supposed to head after school every day. "So how mad is your mom?" Curd asked her. "If I'm being honest... she wasn't even that mad... I'm not really "grounded" grounded. Still have to work extra shifts. But I'm not sure what it is... She still let me keep my phone... I'm not sure what it is... It's almost like she's not herself..." Swift replied worriedly.

"Coming from your mom... that's pretty odd..." Finn replied. "Tell me about it... Anyways... I've gotta go... Clothes need to be folded." she said and headed inside the shop while waving goodbye. The others walked back to their respective neighborhoods and departed one by one away to get home. Eventually, Ruby and Melany were almost home. Melany headed straight inside to finish a project she had to do. But Ruby could ready her friend's emotions. She wanted to head inside but her friend looked so lost. "Hey... Blizzard... what's up?" she asked him.

He looked at her, little emotion in his eyes. "I miss her... I really miss her..." His eyes glistened. "I want to see her... to hold her face in my hands... Ruby, we should've stayed! There's nothing here anymore without them!" he shouted angrily. Ruby's ears folded and she put a hand on his arm. "Listen, I miss them too! Trust me! I feel your frustration! But we don't have a choice anymore... This is our home... We made our decision to stay with our families! And you know... you know that they don't ever want to see us again..."

Once again Blizzard felt anger and resentment. "So you're on their sides? Wow... At least I regret my actions!"

"I'm not "taking sides" okay!? I hate what I did to Mystic! You don't think that sits uneasily with me every minute that goes by?! And remember you ditched Midnight! We all ditched Dark Side! We shouldn't have! We should've done more... The damage is already done... Besides... this is the life we had before we even met them... We've gotta move on." Hearing her words, Blizzard shook his head. "Well, I can't! I don't care what anyone says. I'll find a way. Be a goody-two-shoes to your stuck-up moms! I'm done with you." he snapped before walking away. Ruby was left shocked and upset in her front yard.

Taking a deep breath, she headed inside to catch up with her sister.


Later in the evening is when Silver finally came home. Blizzard sat on the couch where he read a book about Mobius's conflicts with Dark Sides' leaders. "Hey! I'm home! I'm going to make dinner! Any requests?" Silver asked as he walked in. Blizzard said nothing as he sat there studying. "Okay... Angry still I see..." As he cooked, Silver couldn't let go of the words Mephiles had said to him earlier that day in the prisons.

'We used to be one whole home Silver. We just wanted our children to have the same lives as your own. But no. Evil is shown in its purest form. When you're ready to apologize for your mistakes, we'll talk.'

Am I the bad guy after all? Have we really done the right thing? Silver tried to think about it while making dinner but struggled to find a way to make it right. Thankfully cooking was therapeutic enough to calm him down. He walked over to the table and placed the plates of food out for them. "Dinners ready!" Silver shouted. Blizzard growled silently as he approached the table to take a seat. The two began eating. Silver tried looking him in the eyes but Blizzard just stared at his food, pushing it around with a fork.

"So... How was school?"


"Did you finish your homework?"


"What do you have going on this week?"

"Nothing interesting."

Seeing their conversation go cold, Silver got a little irritated. "Are you done being pissed off at me yet?" Blizzard looked up, dropping his fork. "No. I'm not actually! And don't expect me to either!" he shouted and immediately began walking off to his room. "Blizzard! Get back here!" Silver shouted. Blizzard stopped in his tracks and turned around. "Why?! I don't want to hear your lectures about how horrible life used to be! It's not even like that anymore! I don't want anything to do with your plans for their parents! They didn't deserve this!" he shouted before storming off into his room while slamming the door.

Silver's ears pinned and he looked down at his meal in defeat. "Gosh Mephiles... You might be right..." he said, tears in his eyes.

In his room, Blizzard buried his face in his pillows. When he looked up again, tears staining his face. He rolled over to where I found his phone. Opening the photo album, he looked over the various pictures of Midnight on his phone. The bandana was still tightly clutched to his chest. Her scent was still all over it. "I love you Night... I'm coming back to you..."

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