Chapter 24- Him

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Imagine getting strangled by invisible hands, knowing that there's a demon right in front of you but not being able to kill it because oh well, you can't see it and all you see is the others sharing the same fate and two huge, glowing yellow eyes were there in front of me, floating in the sky.

They were doing it again.

They were playing with our minds again. Just that, this was way stronger. I knew that me getting strangled wasn't real, none of it was. But it just felt so... Real. This demon was definitely stronger, if not the strongest because his illusions not only were strong but he could actually harm us in them. And that was what's happening to me right now. I was dying.

"Anyone thought anything? I have connected all your minds, so you guys can discuss here and focus on not dying physically." Thomas' voice rang in my head.

"Not me, Athena's daughter?" Ira asked. I hate her for this.

"I have a name, girl. I'm known as Amy. Anyways, I do have a teeny weeny plan. I don't know how effective it will be." I spoke.

"Your teeny weeny plans have always worked. Start speaking." Charlotte said.

"So, since this demon thingy is making us see things, why don't we trap him in his own illusion?" I asked.

"None of us have any power like that though." Adrien said.

"Grace does." Alia spoke.

"Yup, he can alter reality so he can definitely switch our positions with the demons." Ira said.

"But the last time he did that, he almost lost his energy to even stand up. And this is going to be on large scale, he might even pass out. Isn't it dangerous?" Lisa spoke.

"Why do you care about him so much?" Adrien asked, spitefully.

"I was just stating facts." Lisa said.

"Don't you dare start a fight here, we dying right now. I can barely speak in my mind at this point. Whatever you guys will do, do it fast." Peter said.

"Let's work on this together to lessen Grace's strain. Do anything you can to confuse the demon, even if it's for a split second." Ira said.

"Okay, let's do this." Grace spoke.

I looked down on the ground, there weren't many of them but there were still quick few stones there. I was barely breathing right now so I didn't know how well I can use my power right now, especially the one needs quite some energy. But that's all I could do right now. I closed my eyes and took a shallow breath ( if I took a deep breath, then it would be harmful for my lungs and neck which were hurting like hell right now).

With the last remaining bits of my energy left, I thought of making those stones move. The distant memories of my not-so-normal life filled me. From struggling to get food, to me watching Roselle stab herself to death. Every painful memory came to me. But they feuled my power, I learnt how to control them to increase the scale of my power. I learnt how to use my resentment, hatred, and pain against my enemies. I felt the black tears coming down my cheeks and I hoped that everyone else did their work too. My heartbeat increased as I needed a lot of oxygen right now but I couldn't get any. I tried to gasp for oxygen but nothing happened. II felt the grip of the hands lighten but it was still there.

It's been thirty seconds more since I last took a breath, I can't continue like this. I'll die.

"Grace, quick!" I screamed with the last ounce of my energy. And just like this, my mind went foggy, my ears began ringing and I couldn't feel myself anymore. I would have fallen down if it wasn't for those hands, so practically the hands were supporting me right now. Just as my timer of staying alive without oxygen was about to run out, I felt the hands vanish and I fell on the ground. The first thing I did after falling down was gasp in air like I never ever breathed in my life. I took too much air in all at once so I had to cough some out but it felt nice to breathe again. Oh I promise Gods, I will never take oxygen for granted again.

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