Chapter 20- Surprise Intruder

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"James! I think someone's coming!" Katie exclaimed.

Now now, not like I don't have trust issues but I genuinely wanted to trust that girl but I just couldn't. Why? Well, ofcourse that's because this is the second time she said this, and the first time it was a rat invading our privacy. I wonder what was it this time, maybe millipede dressed in a fancy armour? I mean, who knows, at this point, ANYTHING can happen.

"Are you sure it's not a rat again?" James asked.

"No, I'm positive it's some human or something like that." She replied. Well then, it's a possible human or some creature who was the intruder, not a sweet little rat. Shit.

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Hide!" I said.

"Does this place have ANYWHERE where you can possibly hide?" Katie asked.

"Well... no." James replied.

"So what do we do?" I asked.

"I don't know..." James replied.

"What do you mean, you don't know?! You are supposed to be the smart one here." I said.

"But I'm not—" James started but was interrupted by Ms. Winston. Ofcourse, it's his destiny to get interrupted by someone once every five seconds.

"Kids, calm down. It's okay. We'll hide up there." She said, pointing at the roof. Yes, totally makes sense.

"Before you ask, she has superhuman strength so she can easily yeet all of you up on the chandelier." Mr. Winston said.

Before we could even complain, she grabbed all of us at once (you know, James and Katie were holding hands, so the two of them in one hand and me in the other) and threw us up there.

Honestly, I liked using the term 'yeet' but I never thought that I'd actually be able to feel it. What was it like? Just know... It was a rollercoaster ride in a split second with a lot of pain. Pain because we ended up getting yeeted too hard and we hit the roof.

As I flew in the air, my spider-senses could tell me that I was about to hit the wall so I braced my back for the impact but it was not enough. My back hit the roof and I felt the pain you would feel when all your vertebrae would shatter into pieces. Yes, I felt that, but I knew that I didn't suffer through much damage because ofcourse, I was a vampire so I was supposed to get hurt much less than a human. As I was fall down towards the ground, due to my fast reflexes, I extended my hands and grabbed one of the various crystal rods of the chandelier.

"Ugh, I can see why Charlotte got Azure Gem." James groaned.

"Are you two okay? How did you even bear the impact of hitting the roof?" I asked.

"It was the two of us so our speed of hitting the roof was slower than yours, so we're good although I definitely think I broke a rib or two." Katie replied while hanging on to dear life on the chandelier along with the James. Both of them were on the opposite side of the ornament.

"We're coming too—" Ms. Winston was interrupted by the door opening with a creak. My heart stopped beating as I realised that Mr. and Ms. Winston would be seen by the person who entered the room.

"Who is there?" The voice asked, as if it couldn't see the two of them standing in the room. Well, the person-or-creature might really not be able to see them because the room was dark as hell even after the doors being open, well there was hardly some light outside as well so it's understandable.

The creature stepped further towards Mr. and Ms. Winston as they froze right there and looked at us with a look that said 'you all get away safely, we'll handle this'.

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