Chapter 33- Boom!

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A quick recap: Blaze and the rest of us made it back safely to the Academy without dying (I almost died when I nearly got swollen by a humongous hippo but that's another thing) ad around the same time arrived Serene and group.
While we had a teary reunion, Blaze and Serene only glared at each other and stomped away in fury. They had a history, not a nice one it seemed.
They have not been found ever since, and the rest of us decided to get some sleep. We were told that everyone in the Realm had been informed about the upcoming disaster and those at the Academy were being trained.

Since it was probable that Keres would still take some days to recover, we decided that the Clandestine Six could afford a day off. Hence, I'm here lying in my room, sound asleep. Well, almost.

Bang, bang, bang!

My eyes flew open with a start as my body jerked due to the trauma it holds against loud noises (tell me you can go on quests where you fight and destroy everything on the way and not get trauma from all that killing and agonising noises, you can't right?)

"You're such a scaredy cat, Grace, I'm just wondering how you became one of the Clandestine Six." Eun spoke up in my mind. Yeah nobody asked for his unauthorised opinion.

"Well technically, my opinion is authorised. I'm the one who chose you." He replied.

"Well there's your answer. You chose, you question your existence and mine." I said, not wanting to continue the conversation any longer.
I was busy figuring out if it was just some people in the Academy training for the final battle against The Gloom Horde, or something way worse than I could imagine.

Just then the door to my room flung open as Ira, well her holograph stood on the doorway panting the hell out of her lungs, all sweaty and the the look on her face screamed distress.
It is way worse than I could imagine.

"Come down in the Lounge, quick. It has gotten worse." She exclaimed and suddenly disappeared into thin air.

I sighed, not a single day off without something happening. How bad could it be? Maybe they weren't able to make a foolproof plan so they needed me for help.

"Heroes don't get days off, sir." Eun commented.
I stood in front of the mirror, I was wearing an olive green top, forest green cargo pants, had swollen eyes with eyebags and my hair was all over the place.

"Do I look like a hero?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"No sir, not with the drool." Eun joked which made me realise that I actually had some on my face. I wiped it and decided to freshen up. We need to look good to save the world right?

"Why the guns? We're just going for a meeting. Well emergency meeting. Which reminds me it has already been a minute, you should really go." Eun stated the obvious.

"I have a feeling that this emergency meeting is going to get dangerous as well, hence the guns." I explained as I trotted down the stairs, ready to look at my pretty girlfriend. A dose of her beauty would probably help me get prepared for what awaited me.

What the hell was happening? Suddenly, this does not seem like it's coming from some training session...

I trotted down the stairs, humming an unknown tune to myself, being totally ignorant towards the bad feeling that was lurking in my stomach.

The pace of my steps quickened as the uncanny silence from downstairs grew louder and louder. Once I reached the last step, my heart dropped as I scanned the Lounge.
Everything was in ruins. The couches were upturned, there was smoke coming out of the tables, the place was filled with smoke which made me cough my lungs out but the part which got me sick was the sight of everyone lying on the floor among the rubble motionlessly.

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