Chapter 7- Vibnix

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Okay guys, a real quick announcement before we start off with the chapter: Peter is in Group Blaze not Group Serene. I corrected the mistake in last chapter as well. And, some of you probably dunno the new formation, so I'd say that you go back to the chap and see it or well, I'll add it in another chap as well (the next one--->). Sorry for the inconvenience! Now, we continue with the chapter. Hope you enjoyy~!~!~



I woke up.

Yeah, if you don't know, I can do normal things like waking up from my nightmarish sleep. See, I wasn't particularly happy or excited today. Why? Partly because today might be the day when I march off to my demise and partly because I didn't see Amy's face yet. Still ofcourse I had to get ready and go to some weird mission where I'd meet some really nice monsters and terrifying people. So, I walked quietly towards the Crystal Chamber with no intention of interacting with people. But with my luck, I saw Thomas coming towards.

"Yo!" He spoke. Whoa, he was probably in a good mood today. Maybe because... well, I don't know the reason.

"Yo." I said, lazily.

"Feeling lazy? Same here—Oh, well, your girl's here. Hope I don't see you again!" Thomas said as he walked forward, leaving me behind to wait for Amy. As soon as I saw her face, happiness spread throughout my body like... well, blood.

"Hello there, pretty lady!" I said, raising my hand for a high-five.

"Heyya, filthy man!" She said, giving me the high-five.

"Don't call me a man. Makes me feel old." I said.

"Then don't call me lady. Makes me feel old as well." She said.

"But I called you pretty!" I said.

"I also called you filthy, which is a really good adjective for you." She said.

"I mean, from where do I look filthy to you?" I asked.

"From every single angle." She replied.

Okay, Amy is not the stereotypical possessive, 'you have to apologise first even if I'm wrong' type of girlfriend but seriously, you CANNOT win an argument against her. Seriously, I have tried that sometimes and the result was never good for my health. But well, if she knew how to win an argument, I also knew how to win her heart.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, pouting. Yeah, I know, you must not have expected but 'cuteness' really suits me.

"Shouldn't your girlfriend be doing this 'I'm the cutest' shit?" She asked.

"What can I do if my girlfriend is too good to do the cute shit? I have to do it myself!" I spoke up, pouting again.

"Bro, stop pouting!" She said.

"Did you just call me bro? Haw! You bro-zoned me? Am I not your boyfriend anymore?" I exclaimed, dramatically. Yeah, 'drama' is yet another thing that suits me pretty well.

"You are SO dramatic, Grace—whoa, what's happening here? What is this that I'm seeing?!" She exclaimed as soon as we stepped into the Crystal Chamber. I moved my gaze from her (really, I didn't want to do that but ugh, circumstances) to the thing she was looking at. And there, I saw the weirdest sight ever.

Thomas was sitting on a chair with Charlotte and Ira's head resting on either of his shoulders. It seemed like they were sleeping on him.

"No! It's not what you think!" He exclaimed.

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