Chapter 35- Blaze Vs Kurai

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A boulder size ball of fire formed in front of Kurai, as she threw it towards Blaze, he pulled out his twin swords and cut right throw the fire which then turned into ash (magic?).

"I'll take on Kurai. You take care of..." Blaze trailed off as if he realised something as he shot a concerned look at Serene who was eyeing Daeva.

"I'll take on her. Easy." Serene smirked, her eyes were shooting daggers at Daeva. For the first time, I saw Serene's serene expression change into a chaotic hunger to kill. Why?

She zoomed in towards Daeva with a crystal dagger forming in her hand aimed at her heart but it got deflected by Daeva's long silver sword. In the middle of close combat where they fed each other with punches and high kicks, Serene formed crystal spikes on her knuckles and pushed them into Daeva's guts. She coughed, spurted blood out of her mouth as the red stained crystals came out of her body. Serene let out a long rope made of water towards Daeva who had now cut it into pieces with her sword.

Daeva didn't seem as impressive as the other group told me, why is that? I'm sure Keres wouldn't have taken her in if she wasn't powerful. I know earth-style is weak in front of water-style but this is still not expected. Why?

My focus shifted to Blaze and Kurai as I heard a loud roar, probably Blaze's as he charged at Kurai with his armour blazing with golden flames, ready to disintegrate anything coming towards him. His swords fighting with the two lion heads formed around Kurai's fists made of purple fire. The swords clanked against one lion, then another and this repeated for ages. Blaze took the opportunity to touch Kurai using his feet which made Kurai's right thigh burst into flames. She howled in pain, trying to distinguish the fire. In the process, she shot the two lion heads at Blaze who flew through the air towards him. He obviously cut right through them.

"Amy we're almost done. Do you want me to heal your wounds a little so that you can join the fight?" Kiki asked.

"No, keep it in reserve. I shouldn't join this one, I think Blaze and Serene can handle it." I said as I began shivering. Despite all the fire around me, I was feeling cold for some reason. I can't just pass out here like that.

I sat upright and turned slightly facing towards the rock I was leaning on which was now covered in blood. I think I should leave a message to them, in case I decide to go with them.

I'll come back promise Ly G C

I wrote on the rock but my handwriting turned out really bad, since I was shivering with cold. I also didn't have the energy to write down their full names, I hope Grace and Charlotte would understand.
As soon as I wrote the C, an orange light passed in front of me, emitting a huge amount of heat which shook off all the cold out of me. I looked up with a start, ready to fight off Devil, if it was him.

But it was not. It was a humongous orange dragon with fire instead of fins, its golden scales were glittering in the sunlight and on top of it was Blaze.

"I lived in the land of demons, obviously I made some friends." Blaze smiled at Kurai as he told the dragon to kill the woman/creature.

"Die!" Kurai screamed as she snapped her fingers and a griffin appeared before her. She mounted it and now both of them were fighting in the sky. The griffin clawing at the dragon's scales, the dragon biting that creature's neck with its sharp teeth. Above them, Blaze shot a fire-breath at her while she let out a fire whip. Both got hit since their rides turned in the wrong direction. Groaning in pain, Blaze got up and made a long jump and held on to the griffin's feathers which made the creature howl, trying to shake him off. But soon enough, Blaze got his balance and stood face to face in front of Kurai.

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