Chapter 27- Out of Character

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My eyes opened and all I could see was nothing. Darkness is a funny thing, the more it is there the lesser you can see. But you get familiar with it and grow a comfortable feeling once you get used to living in it.
Being from an oh-so-rich family, people usually think that I lead a very happy life.
But this, is not true.
Because that "rich" shit is the one that troubles me the most.
I used to get bullied because timid and rich is not a good combination. Either you are supposed to be rich and cocky or timid and middle class. People get jealous of you for something you don't have in your hands.

Moreover, the pressure of being the perfect child of the perfect little family is undeniably HUGE. Being the children of influential people, you cannot just act normally or yourself for once, you always have to keep up the pretense that you are so classy and superior.

Money always ruins a person, either makes them too proud and cocky or makes them too timid and insecure.

Anyways, I could only see darkness and I should have been scared but I felt nothing. Just an empty void in my heart. Oh, that's a familiar feeling. Depression, is that you? So not nice to meet you again. And no, I am not letting you creep back in, just go.

I stood up on my feet because I knew if I kept lying there, I would be sucked back into that dark pit. I didn't know why that feelings was coming back, but I knew I needed to find Amy or Thomas. Only they have been successful in making those dark clouds go away.

While Amy pulled me out of the dark hole, Thomas closed the trapdoor to the hole. Yes he used to tease me, but he was one of the only ones there for me when required, and now he is a necessity in my life without whom I can't live.

"Thomas? Are you there? Amy? Anyone?" I called out as my voice echoed.
I took a step forward but that was a serious mistake. As soon as my foot touched the ground in front of me, sharp spikes emerged out of the ground and pierced my foot. I screamed in pain as I felt several nails digging into my skin. My breath quivered and my heartbeat quickened. I needed to pull out my foot, but I was scared of the pain. Yeah, despite fighting so many monsters and facing death, I am still scared of pain.

"Charlotte?" A deep voices echoed in the place and relief spread in my body.
It was Thomas, thank Gods.

"Thomas, here!" I groaned.

"Wait I'm coming." He said as he tried to figure out my location.

Soon, a big hand touched my shoulder from the back. The touch felt cold.
"Thomas, why is your hand col-" before I could continue, I felt a cold sharp surface touch my neck. It felt like a blade. No.

"Thomas hel-" I couldn't even finish the sentence and I felt the sharp blade dig into my skin. I winced in pain, but before the hand could do anything, I moved. Yes fortunately, I moved.

I grabbed the hand tightly and before it could yank itself free, I pressed the button on the ring on my index finger with my thumb. This released a small knife which now stabbed the hand. Something growled in pain and the hand retreated. But right before it vanished, the blade grazed my neck.

I felt the blade slice my skin and the blood gushed out. It wasn't deep enough to kill me, but still deep and wide. I could catch infection and die. Also, it was hurting like hell. Since neck is a soft spot, anything hurts. I could feel the area around the cut throbbing, I felt a little dizzy but I managed to keep myself on my feet.

Great, now my foot was stuck on a bunch of nails and my neck was cut. Perfect.
"Charlotte? Are you okay?" Thomas' voice spoke from somewhere behind me and another hand touched my shoulder. I winced but soon recognised the touch.

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