Chapter 21- Zee

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I wish I could say that this little (can one hour be counted as 'little'?) trip was all fun and games. But it wasn't. I mean, there were traps laid literally everywhere, infact there were traps which Sam never told us about. It felt like we were in some Annabelle movie with jumpscares at every second.

"Where's the part where Amy saved your stupid self like, 100 times?" Eun asked.

"Here you go again, embarrassing me like that." I said, rolling my eyes.

"I mean ofcourse, that's exactly what my job is." He spoke.

"Then stop doing the job you're not hired for." I said.

"You can't tell what I'm hired for because you aren't the boss of the company." He said.

"Technically I am since it's my body that you live in." I said.

"No! If I want to, I can leave you right now!" He exclaimed.

"Oh, you can do that?!" I said, intentionally adding excitement in my voice to piss him off.

"Excuse me?! If I could, would you let me go just like that?" He asked.

"I mean, ofcourse. That would be such a pleasure." I replied.

"Haw! You are SO bad. I HATE YOU." Eun said.

"But I love you." I spoke and I waited for a reply. But Eun's voice didn't ring up in my head. Wait... did he... actually leave me? My heart dropped, I cannot possibly lose him! He's the only one I have apart from Amy who is close to me. Well, we are a bit too close since he practically lives inside me but well, whatever.

"Eun? You there? Yo, you didn't actually leave me right?" I asked, with a slight panic in my voice.

"Oh, so it seems like you actually care about me, huh?" His voice rang up in my head and I sighed in relief.

"So you didn't go. And what do you mean by care about you? I seriously don't care-" I was interrupted by him.

"I can hear, or rather see your thoughts." He said.

"Oh-uhm... Well I must have thought wrong then! By the way, how do you 'see' my thoughts?" I asked.

"Well, it's kind of hard to explain... It's like you're in a movie theatre and you see words shining up in different colours depending on the mood appearing before you, but you're also sitting in a large room alone where you can hear the voice in your head as if someone is speaking on a mic from some another room. Like the voice is distant but clear but-" I interrupted Eun.

"Okay, thank you so much for such a clear-cut explanation." I said.

"I mean it's not my fault-" Eun started but Amy's voice interrupted him, '-and there goes your Amy interrupting our precious time together."

"Ofcourse, she is much more precious than my time with you." I said.

"You know what? I should really leave you." Eun said.

"Well, I love you. No, seriously. Maybe a little less than Amy but yeah." With that, I turned my attention to the girl standing beside me as I looked down at her.

"Did I tell you that you look fabulously beautiful?" I asked.

"Yeah... About 50 times since morning." Amy replied.

"Well, that isn't enough for someone as pretty as you." I said.

"That's a really nice way to change the topic when you aren't paying attention to what I am saying." She said.

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