Chapter 6- Planning In Process

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Can I say that it was fun training? No. Because it wasn't.

See, the only class I enjoyed was ofcourse, Archery. Rest of the classes were good but not-so-good since they weren't my expertise. Trust me, I did try convincing them to let us choose what training we do but well does anyone listen to me? Ofcourse not! They insisted that we should know how to operate every single weapon, just in case of an emergency.

Can I say that it was fun training to control my powers? HELL NO. Because those sessions were just so... cruel.

No, can you expect me to use my powers for 3 hours straight with hardly 2 breaks in between that too of 10 minutes? No right? But does anyone listen to me? Ofcourse not! They made me go through that tough training for days, and I was just too tired. Since, none of my trainers actually inherited my powers, it was difficult for them to teach me as well but somehow, I managed to improve (yeah, people, I'm just too good at learning).

Can I say that it was fun spending my sleepless nights with nightmares? No. Because it wasn't ofcourse. That damned Keres kept on coming inside my mind and whispering shits like "You can't do it. You can't defeat me. You are an idiot." I mean, woman—no, monster, YOU ARE AN IDIOT! Like, hello? You are the one literally disturbing one's peaceful sleep while hiding in the corner of your place. Got any courage? Come and see me in person. I swear, if I don't skin you life and chop you into pieces then you can change my name (no, you can't since I'll kill you anyway).

"Amy, that's gross." Kiki spoke in my mind.

"I know." I said.

Sorry for the interruption. Let me continue.

Can I say that it was fun facing and talking Adrien these past few days? No, it obviously was not.

See, I never for once regretted my choice of Grace because I loved him from the deepest and darkest corners of my heart. But as a not-so-normal fellow human, I felt guilty. I felt like I was the reason why Adrien got hurt so bad (which I was). Everytime I went to hang out with Charlotte or Grace, I would see him taking a casual stroll in the grounds, he'd be either looking at the ground or the sky and he would look miserable. A LOT. But whenever he would see me, he'd give me a big smile as if everything was okay. But I well knew it was not. Ofcourse, Adrien was trying his best to hide the feelings lingering in his heart but I could clearly see how hurt he was. He wasn't even doing that for himself, it was all for me just so I don't feel guilty. Although, I won't deny that naturally he was getting better day by day. Probably it had something to do with Lisa literally spending all day with him trying to make him forget about me... Whatever she was doing, it was working good enough. Ofcourse, he won't forget about me so easily but he was getting better but still the hurt in his eyes couldn't be unseen. He was trying his best to keep me happy even if that meant hurting himself.

"You know, girl? You got two of the best boys out there. Both are ready to stab themselves for you. Ah, so lucky." Kiki said.

"I know and don't make my guilt worse by saying Adrien can lay down his life for me!" I shouted.

"You know you are getting VERY short-tempered lately, right?" She asked.

"You know you are getting VERY annoying lately, right?" I asked back.

"I hate you." She said.

"The feelings are mutual." I replied. I sighed and plugged in my earphones to listen to a few calm songs. Yeah, music is my life. Although my life isn't as calm, normal and good as music, but still. I turned on my favourite playlist, which was basically Kiki's favourite as well.

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