Chapter 3- Pottery

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Heyya there stalker! Short time no see, huh? I wasn't kinda missing you but damn, it's not nice to have you back. Anyways, since you are already here, let me share the scenario of what's happening right now.

We have shoved the couples out of the singles room and now we are sitting there in an awkward silence.

"Mm, so what do we do now?" Lisa asked.

"We don't know." I replied.

"Well then, I and Leo can go into my room and have a little talk together. You know, since he's unaware of this stuff, he must be needing some time to process." Aiden spoke.

"Mm, you sure you holy?" Leo asked.

"Nah! I'm not holy at all. I'm gonna tie you to my bed and turn to my Nine-Tailed Fox form and tear your clothes and cut you in small pieces and eat you!" Aiden spoke.

"Bro, that wasn't funny." Leo said.

"That wasn't funny, but I am!" Aiden said and the two of them chuckled. Hmm, they'd make a good team since both of them are the jokesters probably. And well, both must be idiots as well. Anyways, with that, they left the room together, chuckling and giggling.

Now Lisa, I and Charlotte were the only ones left. Axel had already left to meet Mr. Almond, just after we caught up with each other's stories.

"Mm, I'll go and check upon Adrien I guess." Lisa spoke.

"Well, then before you go, let's go and see Ira first, then you can go on your own." I said and she nodded. We stood up and made our way towards the door. I wondered what Ms. Trouble (yes! I'm back with my nicknames!) would do since she's all alone but then she'd probably start reading some books.

The Hospital Wing was nearby, so we reached the place in no time. We entered to find that Ira was awake and lying on the bed.

"She's awake, Lisa!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, I know." Lisa was already making her way towards Ira and I followed her.

She stood next to Ira and checked her pulse and a couple more stuff (never really liked medical stuff, so didn't pay attention to any of this). I sat beside her, looking at Ira intently. She looked drained and tired but colours were back to her face.

"You're fine, Ira. You were just exhausted because of using you powers too much. Don't worry, you'll be fine and up by tomorrow morning but I don't want you to talk much today, so Thomas, I think you should leave with me." Lisa spoke. I wanted to stay and talk to Ira, but I guess I'd have to go. I looked at her once again and grabbed her right hand.

"You'll be fine." I said and she nodded while giving me a smile. I sighed and then moved out of the Wing.

"I'm going to Adrien, then." Lisa spoke and I nodded. We bid our farewell.

I began walking back to the Lounge, randomly, feeling bored. Oh how good it would be if I'd have James beside me right now... Remind me to ask Charlotte to make those watch thingies for me as well, okay? I won't remember, I'm quite forgetful.

Anyways, I passed by the lounge and from the corner of my eyes, I saw Charlotte staring at the table quietly and literally no one was around. She must be getting bored.

"Should I do it? Or... should I not?" I asked myself.

"Do it." Vi replied.

"I was asking myself, not you." I said.

"I know and I don't care." He said.

"You should care." I spoke.

"Why so?" He asked.

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