Chapter 1- Heartbroken Part.2

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Bouncing heart.

Dancing organs.

Malfunctioning brain.

Melting skin.

Is this how a confession feels like? Well, I really don't know, gotta ask Roselle I guess. Anyways, this was exact description of what I was feeling like right now. Infact, this confession wasn't planned at all. I just... I don't know, just felt like saying it and before I could process what I was about to say, my mouth opened and the three killer words sprouted out of them.

"I love you." I spilled the beans. As soon as I realised what I had done, I literally went red and let me tell you, hardly a few things can make me blush and this confession was definitely one of them. My heart began beating so hard that I felt that it was going to leap out of my body and start roaming around the Academy freely.

"Wh-what did you say?" Grace asked, his face having a mixed feeling of confusion, surprise and delight. Oh I could totally see how he wasn't expecting this. Oh gosh, this confession wasn't what I was planning! I was planning to confess in a better way but this... I wanted to turn back time so bad that I was ready to face all those hard times in the Underworld but not this. NOT THIS. But well, considering the look on Grace's face, I could tell that I can't take back what I said.

"I said... I love you, Grace." I spoke, more confidently but still blushing. What the hell happened to my confident self? I don't know! Don't even ask me how weird I felt right now.

"Am I dreaming?" He said, half-crying. Now now, I won't say that this wasn't expected but still I was a bit taken back.

"I missed you!" He exclaimed. The amount of happiness in his sweet voice melted my heart like an ice-cream in an oven.

"This... this wasn't the confession I was planning. So, eh, I'm sorry if I did something wrong, it's my first time so-" I was stopped by Grace, himself. To be exact, his finger. He kept his finger on my lips (DON'T IMAGINE WILD THINGS) and shushed me. He pulled me into a (DON'T IMAGINE WILD THINGS PART 2) a warm hug.

"I love you too." He whispered.

I didn't know what to think. I didn't know what to reply. All I knew was that I felt really comfortable in that hug. The warmth, the love... I never felt that before Charlotte ever hugged me. My heart calmed down as it began beating slowly, matching its beats with Grace's heart. I felt small and loved in his arms... I can't describe any further, it was just... It just felt good.

"Hello? Ms. Amy Chandeliour Rick? What is this behaviour? I didn't expect this!" Char shouted which made me pull away the hug.

"Uh-Hehe-" I laughed nervously.

"I thought I'd be the first person you'll hug but seems like you found a new bestie-I mean, boyfriend." She said.

"I'm not his boyfriend... yet!" Grace exclaimed and he earned a deadly look from me.

"YOU ARE." I spoke firmly which left Grace surprised.

Forgetting about the embarrassing-cum-good thing that just happened, I went on to hug Charlotte.

"Char! I missed you!" I exclaimed.

"Seems like you missed certain someone more than me, huh?" She spoke.

"No! That's not the case! I missed you a lot as well!" I said.

"AS WELL? I'm not quite used to that phrase but I guess I gotta get used to it since now you've got certain someone in your life." She smirked.

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