Chapter 8- It was Raining Rocks

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Farewell has always been my weakeness. Why? Well, for some reason I just can't get myself to say bye to those whom I love/like. For example: I would have died first instead of saying goodbye to Amy. I mean, I admit, I don't love her but--
"Who are you kidding girl? You do love her." Teichi spoke up.
"And who asked you to keep your opinions?" I asked.
"That wasn't an opinion though." She replied.
"Ofcourse your opinions will be facts for you but the truth is that they are meaningless opinions." I said.
"You think so? Then hear another fact: I can sense love. And you love Amy the way you love Eric." She said.
"Ewww! Don't even dare saying that! Imagine comparing my oh so dear Eric to my oh so idiotic step-sister." I said, rolling my eyes mentally. Well, I can't roll my eyes in reality or else they are gonna ask me what happened and it would get hard for me to explain it to them. Why? Well partly because I suck at explaining. Also because they hardly could get the disgusting idea of some spirit living rent-free in your head and I can't blame them, really. Also, they were just young kiddos (nah, I'm not gonna say that in front of them because I don't wanna get into a fight with them. They seriously will hunt you down if you call them kids), so it must be hard enough to process this shit, forget about the Gem Spirits.
"You know that I can hear your thoughts, right?" Teichi asked.
"Ofcourse I do. I said all that intentionally so that you'd hear it." I replied.
"Ah you are SO cruel!" She exclaimed.
"I mean, I was born cruel." I said.
"And I hate cruel people." She spoke up.
"And who exactly asked you to love me? Eric is pretty much enough for me." I said.

"Roselle? Are you thinking about me?" Eric startled me by asking this. Can he read minds? Oh shit. If he can, then I'm in BIG trouble.
"How did you know?!" I asked, shocked.
"I was just guessing... So you actually were thinking about me?" He asked.
"Uh--Well-- Not exactly but..." I trailed off as Jane, Rosé and Miri "ooooh-ed" in the background. Gosh, sometimes these girls can be irritating as hell.
"Come on guys! Our ride is waiting!" Aiden exclaimed.
"What exactly is our ride? Uber?" Leo asked.
"Yup, something like that. Now now, form a line, quickly children! I'll teleport you guys." Aiden replied. And just like old school days (oh I'm getting nostalgic already), we formed a queue. Aiden grabbed the hand of the person standing in the front (the line was long enough and I was lazy enough to not be able to see who was in the front) and teleported us. And now you know the routine. Dizziness, losing track of the ground and Eric holding on to my hand tightly (probably the best part of the whole thing).

We arrived at the destination in less than a second. I was a bit worried about Aiden... I mean, he teleported so many people, he must be tired. I tilted my head to look at him and well, he seemed to be in perfect shape.
"Whoa, he sure improved." I said under my breath.
"We're here!" He exclaimed.
And that was when I decided to take a look around me, I was a bit too dizzy and lost in Eric's eyes to look around me.
Anyways, can I say the place was beautiful? Yes I can because it so was. We were standing at the bank of what looked like a gigantic river. The grass was lush green, the trees were decorated with beautiful fruits and the ground had pretty flowers as the ornaments. Seriously, could I just stay here? No. Ofcourse not, I HAD to go off on a weird mission I still am not sure about.
"Our destination is Land of Gravels, which would take a few hours to reach. The only way to reach that place is through this river which can only be travelled by special creatures namely Ceruleans." Aiden said.
"Uhm, I can't see any creature around here." Mark said.
"Ofcourse you can't. They are under the water." Aiden spoke.
"WHAT?" We all exclaimed in unison.
"Uhm yeah, why is it such a big shock, again?" Aiden asked.
"Because we obviously cannot breathe underwater." Rosé said.
"I know. But Ceruleans have a layer of oxygen surrounding them which is big enough to fit you all." Aiden said as-a-matter-of-factly. Suddenly, loud grumbling noises came from a distance.
"What's that?" Ace asked.
"Cerulean. It’s here." Aiden spoke.

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