Chapter 2- Together

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Can I tell you how I was feeling, right now? Oh ofcourse, I'm obliged to.

Basically, I was in a shock. I wanted to jump in air, dance like a monkey and basically, be crazy. I couldn't believe this happened. Although, I'm a bit disappointed that I didn't get to confess first (trust me when I say I spent hours practicing the confession) but anyways, it doesn't matter now, does it? All what matters right now is that we are together right now. Well, not literally, Amy ran off in search of Adrien (since I won, I'm not gonna continue calling him a brat) so right now we aren't really together but we actually are. Makes sense? No? Well, there's your proof, I'm going crazy.

To be honest, a small teeny weeny bit part of me kinda felt bad for Adrien. I mean, however much of an idiot he was, he didn't deserve such a heartbreak but then again, he asked for it, didn't he? Who asked him to like Amy? I didn't.

"Hmm, so now you're trying to convince yourself to stop pitying him?" Eun asked.

"Hey! I never pitied him, I've always hated him." I huffed.

"Come on, now you're being no different from Thomas. Your feelings change according to the situation, Grace. You might hate someone at one instant while the other moment, you'll fall in love with them. Why do you think there are so many hate-love relationships in the world?" Eun asked.

"Ugh, I hate it when you go deep!" I exclaimed.

"Deep? I'm in your mind, not in an ocean that I'll go deep." He joked.

"Really? The joke wasn't even funny." I spoke.

"I mean, I'm living in a joke who will make the lamest joke into the funniest one." He said.

"Not funny either." I said.

"Who said this was a joke? I was dissing you." He spoke.

"Oh, wait, you know how to diss as well? I thought you just know how to get dissed." I said.

"Shut up. Ohhh, the love of my life is here!" He exclaimed.

What? What did he say? I focused back in the real world to see who was coming and... It was Amy. Wait, what?


"No, who said it's Amy? It's Kiki." He spoke.

"Oh okay—wait what? No way! You spirits also have feelings?" I asked.

"Kidding bro. Anyways, go and focus on your girlfriend now." He replied. To be honest, it still seemed weird but good to hear people call Amy my girlfriend.

Suddenly, a soft hand slipped in my hand and grabbed it tightly. My eyes widened, that was something unexpected and I looked at the owner of the hand. Oh, it was Amy.

"What? What are you looking at? You're looking like an owl right now, you know that right?" She demanded.

"Uh nothing. It just feels... good to be holding hands with you." I spoke and she gave me a bright smile. Oh my gosh, her beautiful smile! Ahh I'm simping over my own girlfriend!

"Oh right, from that. What's with these new relationships coming from you guys? And also, we still didn't have a proper introduction to Eric and Leo, either." Charlotte spoke.

"Even we need to know about you all here." Amy said.

"Let's trade. You tell us about your adventure, we'll boast about ours." Thomas spoke.

"Nice idea! So where do we start? It's going to be a long story..." Roselle sighed.

Hmm, so what should I say? It took us like hours to catch up on with each other but not for one second did I get bored. Partly because the Underworld adventures really seemed fun (I mean, getting to die 3 times while being dead, isn't that fun?) and partly because Amy was sitting next to me. Whenever I got bored, I'd just stare at her dreamily.

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