Chapter 29- Calvin

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Just Mr. Winston yanked open the door, dark cloud erupted out of the cupboard and engulfed him completely. He had a look of horror on his face when he gave us a final glance, his eyes were glistening with fear and his heart probably wanted to redo everything he has done so far. The dark clouds slowly made their way upwards towards his chest, and just like a snake grasping its pray.
He mouthed, "I love you, honey" with tears in his eyes and that was it, the smoke had covered his head.
 He shrieked once, and then, everything went quiet. The smoke dissipated but there was no sign of Mr. Winston. In front of where he stood though, sat an open, dark pathway appealing us to go inside.

So that was what it was, I finally got it. Each cupboard had a riddle, answer of which signified what awaited us inside it. Our way out was the 'Death' one which meant that one person had to open the cupboard and be the sacrifice, in order for the rest of us to escape.
If only I had figured it out earlier, I could have... I could have stopped him. i could have died instead of him. Why.

"NO! NO! NO! HONEY NO!" Mrs. Winston screamed, as she almost fell down on the floor but we grabbed her midway.
"Mrs. Winston, I know, it's hard but we don't have time we need to go." I said, softly.
"No. I'm not leaving without my husband." She said sternly.
"Mrs. Winston, we lost our best friend too, it's killing us inside. But Mr. Winston is gone, he is not with us anymore. But we need to move on for them. We need to complete our mission for them." Katie sighed.
"Why? Why him? I should have gone instead! Why him?" She cried.
"I regret it too. I should have gone instead but it's no use crying over what happened. We need to get stronger and reach our goal. Please, help us? Axel, lead the way." I said.

Axel had been quiet all along, I guess he has seen so many deaths over the course of his life, that he has lost the ability to cry. He quietly moved to the spot where Mr. Winston had disappeared, he bent down and picked up something, came over to Mrs. Winston and kept it in her hand. She looked down and began sobbing even harder. It was their engagement ring.
Gosh, she must have been devastated.

We followed Axel into that vent type of thing in which we had to crawl. I went in at last and the door closed behind me. It was all dark.
After we crawled for what seemed like an eternity, finally some light was visible in front of us.
"Axel, be careful." I said.

We stepped out of the dark vent, blinded by the bright light. But as soon as I opened it, my heart sunk. I saw a huge field in front of us. Have you seen the movie Life? What if I say there were multiple creatures like Calvin but smaller?
For those who don't know, these mini-Calvins were purple starfishes with a horrible mouth, bad temper and extremely high speed. Also, they can churn your insides just by touching you and ejecting one of its little tentacles inside you. If it enters your mouth,  yeah, you're done. You'll get a whole amputated head. I just hope that if I die, they go easy on me and give me an okay death.
"NO." I said.
"Absolutely not." Katie wrung her head.
"Duke, are you like watching this?" I asked. The fire in the furnace roared.
"He totally is watching this." Axel sighed.
"Why? Is killing us so funny to him?" Mrs. Winston sniffed.
"That's precisely it, Mrs. Winston." I sighed.
"We won't survive this one. Humanity was not meant to meet Calvin." Axel said.

It seemed like the creatures hadn't noticed us yet, so we were safe but it wouldn't be like this for long. The exit was across this room and we had to get through them. It was easy for me, I could just speed through and reach the exit in an instant. But I was worried  about Axel, Katie and Mrs. Winston. How will they get through? Just before I could think of anything, one Calvin noticed us and launched itself at Katie. She had absolutely no idea that she was about to die. WOW.
I pushed Katie aside and just as the Calvin came close, I kicked it and it went flying away but this also caught the attention of the rest of them. Shit. They might the alien creatures, but they are small and can be used as footballs. Just then, the sole of my foot began stinging and in the matter of seconds, I felt crushing pain in my foot. I removed my shoes to find out a hole in my foot and the shoe. Shit, that smart thing pierced my foot just before it got yeeted.
Scratch that, I'm now worried about myself too, how will I get through with this foot?

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