40. shackle

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Easy on me by Adele

song: Easy on me by Adele

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AS I NEAR TO MY bed, loud sounds of something hitting catch my ears

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AS I NEAR TO MY bed, loud sounds of something hitting catch my ears. I discard the towel which I used for my bath and rush out of my room to follow the trail of sounds. This house even if antique, has thin walls and due to the placement in the jungle makes it easier for sounds voices, or noises to deliver smoothly.

I pick up a knife while passing from the kitchen and walk up to the stairs where the sound is heard. With a quick scan around me, I softly padded toward the long hallway having dim lights, the sound is loud and clear. Someone hitting something soft.

Didn't Caterina hear anything? Her room is just a few feet away but due to the locked door, I am not sure if she sleeps like a log.

With my palm, I open the door as it creaks open making a noise proving to be old. The room is dark so with a swift round putting the knife forward I take a step and look for the light. But as soon as I take a step ahead, the floor opens and I fall. "Fucking shit." I don't have time to say anything when I fall from the last staircase. I remove the dust from my hands by clapping against each other.

"What a place!" I mumble. Just when my eyes look up, I find candles around me. The sound stops and a silent song of crickets takes place. I find a white dress figure in the hall. I squint my eyes in confusion and just when I am about to ask who is it, the figure scurries away.

I lift myself and charge after the figure. But with a zig-zag, it made me left out with nothing but the sound of anklets. My brows furrow, a woman?

I run back to where I came from and go to knock on the door of Caterina. My fingers form a fist as I hit the door but she doesn't respond.

"Caterina!" I slap against the door. "Caterina, someone is there. Caterina." I continue doing it but she doesn't respond nor does she opens the door.

"Is she sleeping like a pig?" I mumble to myself. "I will talk to her tomorrow then." With a glance behind the door and hers, I go back to mine and instead of sleeping soundly, I put a knife and torch beside my bed so that if again the sound appears I can easily track it down.

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