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The Avengers Tower, New Years Eve

On her way to get a refill behind the bar, Natasha takes pause when she hears the all too familiar muffled giggling.

With her hand on her hip, She rounds the bar top corner and cocks her head down at the two trouble loving teenage girls. Watching as they chug down sips of hundred dollar champagne.

"Ahem." She clears her throat, Causing the two girls to dart their attention up at her with panicked eyes.

"I thought you girls were supposed to be downstairs until the fireworks?" She asks grinning.

She couldn't care less about the two being at the party, But she knows that Sam will have a heart attack if he finds his baby sister getting drunk among all the adult guests Tony has invited over.

"Please don't tell my brother..." Anastasia pleas, her red skinny jean covered knees tucked to her chest.

"Don't bother asking, I'll just-" Wanda whispers, Bringing a red glow between her finger tips in one hand as she passes the champagne bottle to Anastasia with the other.

"Hey! I don't think so!" Natasha scolds, Waving her finger at Wanda until the magic evaporates between them,

"Leave me and my memories alone, I'm not going to tell your over-protective brother shit. Just try and avoid the other less relaxed Avengers, hmm?" She warns, grabbing the whiskey filled crystal decanter from the top shelf behind the bar, And leaving the way she came.

The girls still sitting crouched together on the chilled wooden floors, burst into a fit of tipsy giggles.

Anastasia chugs down a few sips of champagne before Wanda interrupts her by protesting.

"Hey, You're going to finish that! Let me have another sip and then we gotta get out of here."

Anastasia wipes the excess from her lips with the back of her hand and passes the bottle to her best friend.

"Come on, Wands! It's New Year's Eve! Don't you wanna enjoy one of these stupid parties for a change?"

"You know Samy will piss himself if he finds us down here." Wanda reminds her.

"Only if he remembers seeing us down here..." Anastasia says, A devilish grin creeping along her glossy lips.

The girls, still on their knees, peer around the base of the bar to try and spot Sam in the crowded and heavily decorated room.

Gold streamers hang from the celling at every corner, Sparkly balloons filled with confetti just begging to be popped float around the room.

And tables filled with party poppers are stationed by each of the eight doors that lead out onto the wrap around balcony of the penthouse suite.

Not to mention the gluttonous buffet leaving nothing to desire.

"You want me to put Samy to bed?" Wanda asks, Following Anastasia's pointer finger with her red glowing eyes to see him laughing on the leather couch beside Bruce Banner.

But Anastasia's gaze wanders a little to the left of where her brother is seated, To land on the gorgeous God of Thunder as he pours a splash of amber liquid into Steve Rogers glass.

"I have a much better idea, Wands."


The moment Steve is pulled away by James Rhodes, The girls finally see their window of opportunity.

"Thor!" Anastasia exclaims, Gaining his attention as he turns around to see the beautiful redhead striding up to him, a plate filled with cupcakes in her hands.

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