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⚠️ A/N , I know I tagged all the warnings at the beginning but there are a LOT of them used in this chapter so please read with CAUTION! ⚠️

⚠️ If you or a loved one is suffering from Depression, Suicidal thoughts, Panic Attack Disorder, PTSD, Addiction, etc, PLEASE reach out to a professional, Betterhelp.com or someone you trust. You are never alone.⚠️

❤️ You are loved, And I'm happy you're here.❤️
And if you can't read this chapter, Please comment or write on my wall saying so and I will happily give you censored summary.❤️


The next morning came all too quickly for Anastasia and Bucky. After their shower, They made their way to his bed and stayed wrapped up in each other until the time came around for Rosie's 3:45am feeding.

Which Anastasia had to do seeing as she didn't have a chance to pump much yesterday with all the chaos of traveling and moving in. Bucky refused to go to sleep without her, So they decided to watch Friends on his giant flat screen in their new bedroom while she breastfed Rosie.

Once Rosie was finished, Changed and Burped, Bucky went to put her down and came back to find Anastasia sound asleep. He climbed in the bed, wrapping his body around hers and drifted off to sleep himself.

Their few hours of sleep felt like mere minutes as the 8am alarm erupts throughout the room, Bucky jolts awake searching for his phone to end the noise. Anastasia rolls onto her back, gazing sleepily up into his puffy eyes, The room still dark from the black out curtains lining the floor - to - celling windows.

"Go back to sleep, Doll." He coos, kissing her forehead gently.

She reaches up to pull his lips to hers, As they both hear Rosie's high pitched cries come through the baby monitor on the nightstand.

Settling for a peak on the lips, They part ways and get up to start the day.

Anastasia heads to the nursery to begin tending to Rosie, And Bucky takes off for the kitchen to start cooking Anastasia's favorite breakfast.

Anastasia pads her feet into the kitchen with Rosie in her arms a while later, inhaling the sweet scent of chocolate and maple syrup as her stomach grumbles

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Anastasia pads her feet into the kitchen with Rosie in her arms a while later, inhaling the sweet scent of chocolate and maple syrup as her stomach grumbles.

"There she is!" Bucky exclaims in his baby voice, Placing his and Anastasia's full plates down at the round black table before rushing to take Rosie into his arms.

"That smells so good, Buck." Anastasia nearly moans, Sitting down at the table and immediately digging into the full plate.

One of her worst habits that she's carried with her all her life is neglecting to eat when she's under stress. But with breast feeding Rosie several times a day, Her lack of food consumption is taking much more of a toll on her body than it usually would.

Bucky lays Rosie down in the crib they have set in the kitchen and then joins Stassie who has already made a dent in her plate.

"This is the best batch you've ever made." She mumbles with her mouth still full, Causing him to chuckle.

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