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"Okay Susan, I'll see you next Friday." Steve stands, finishing his last sip of coffee.

"Think about what I said, Alright?" Susan warns, Standing from her chair.

"Which part?" He asks, Shifting his gaze around the round to avoid eye contact with her.

"Handle your current situation before you go chasing down Annie." She states plainly, brushing off the shoulders of his jacket.

"I need to know where she stands fi-"

"No," She interrupts, Shaking her head,

"You need to figure out where you stand. If you want her, Fight for her. If you want Peggy, Let Annie go. But you have to decide before you go to her, Or else this thing... This isn't going to end well for anyone."

"Do you think..." He hesitates, swallowing down the rising lump in his throat.

"That I have a chance?" His voice soft, his eyes landing down at the empty mug on the table.

"I've seen first hand the kind of love you two shared, That kind of love..." She pats a hand on his chest gently, he looks to her with tears welling in his eyes.

"That kind of love never goes away." Her lips curl into a soft smile, Seeing the pain he's in made her heart break for him.

Steve sniffles, nodding in agreement before waving to MJ behind the counter as she takes an elderly woman's order.

He exits the bakery, Quickly hailing a cab out front.

His mind too cluttered with stress and memories of Anastasia to notice that she and Bucky are heading down the busy street straight towards him as he slides into the backseat of the small yellow cab.

"Where you headed?" The driver asks with a thick New York accent.

"Brooklyn." Steve replies, leaning his head back against the seat closing his eyes.

He knows Susan is right, He has to break things off with Peggy if he wants to win Anastasia back.

But first, he needs to pick something up.


Bucky pulls the little white door open to hold for Anastasia as she strolls in ahead of him. He strides in to stand with his arms wrapped around her from behind, His chin resting on top of her curls while they join the long line of customers.

"Good morning! Welcome i-" Susan freezes, Turning 'round from cleaning the mess off the table she sat at with Steve only moments ago.

Her eyes go wide with shock, Seeing Anastasia with a tall handsome stranger draped over her.

"Susan, This is James, James, Susan." Anastasia beams proudly, a wide smile spreading across her lips.

Susan shoots a panicked glance to MJ who is starring at the pair from behind the counter as she struggles to take another customers order.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Bucky says, Extending his hand around Anastasia's body to shake Susan's.

She blinks away her confusion, Setting the tray back down before shaking his hand.

"Yes, it's...uh.. Nice to meet you too." She continues to shift her glaze between the couple.

Anastasia swallows down the lump in her throat, Feeling tension fill the little bakery.

"Well we're just here to have breakfast, So We'll let you get back to work.." Her large smile fades into a small polite one, turning away from Susan to pull Bucky forward up in the moving line.

A Love Like OursWhere stories live. Discover now