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"Okay, Spill it! What has you so damn cheery this morning?!" Wanda asks, Turning to face Anastasia as she buckles her seatbelt in the passenger seat of the SUV.

The second she and Vision entered the cozy cottage an hour ago to have breakfast, They both could see the drastic change between the couple. They were even obnoxiously feeding one another like they did back in the early days of their relationship.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Anastasia toys with her best friend, Gaining a harsh shove to the shoulder.

"You have five seconds to tell me or-"

"Okay, Relax!" She laughs, tossing her opened palms into the air as Wanda gawks at her,

"I asked Bucky to marry me last night." Anastasia beams proudly, Butterflies swirling in her stomach.

Wanda grips onto the heated steering with both hands gasping, "You're fucking kidding! You're kidding! You're not fucking kidding?!"

"No I'm not kidding!"

"You're such a crazy bitch!" Wanda exclaims, Pulling her into a hug as she laughs.

"Why does that make me crazy?" Anastasia asks, Her brows twisting together as she leans back to face Wanda.

"Because you couldn't wait for him to just ask you first!"

"He was taking too long! I thought he'd changed his mind!" Anastasia confesses, Only earning an eye roll from Wanda as she shifts her attention to the driveway and puts the car in reverse.

"Oh please, That might be part of it, But you and I both know how badly you want to see the ring." Wanda chuckles, Driving through their picture perfect neighborhood.

The left over snow from Christmas melting beneath the warm rays of the sun, A couple walking their dog to the left, And a man being greeted by his child at the front door to their right.

"He wouldn't give me the ring!" Anastasia argues, A guilty smirk creeping along her lips.

"No shit, He's like a hundred years old!" Wanda laughs, "In no world is Bucky Barnes giving up his huge proposal idea."

"What huge proposal idea?!"

"Nope, Sorry Annie," Wanda flashes her a devilish grin, "Bucky deserves to have his moment and you deserve to experience it, Surprise factor and all."

"Sure, Now you decide to seal your giant fuckin lips." Anastasia grumbles, getting another shove from Wanda as she squeals.

"I do not have giant lips!"

"That's not what I heard."

Wanda's forehead puckers in confusion as she darts her attention between the quiet town road to Anastasia.

"Oh yeah, Vision talks too. And he traumatized my poor Bucky!" Anastasia taunts her, Wanda's hand comes up to cover her mouth as they both burst out laughing.

Vision's never had a best friend of his own, Unless you want to count Wanda. Sure, He and Sam have bonded over the years on their various missions and little family vacations, But it's not like he'd ever consider talking about the intimacies of his relationship to him.

Sam views Wanda as a child more or less the same as he does Anastasia, So they've both always kept the other at arms length and remained respectful of one another's privacy.

Bucky, However, Is a completely different story.

And even though it's strange to know that Vision is sharing details of their relationship with someone else, Wanda can't deny how much it warms her heart that he finally has a friend he's comfortable enough with to do so.

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