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Several hours later, Anastasia is sitting up in her hospital bed holding a to-go cup filled with sweetened Lipton tea as Doctor Regina Lavigne sits across from her.

They've already been speaking together for 30 minutes with Anastasia talking about her relationship with Bucky and being a new mother.

Tiptoeing around the subject of how exactly she wound up in the hospital and deflecting most of the doctors questions.

Thankfully, Bruce filled her in quite a bit on his way home. He had to in order for her to agree with taking Anastasia on, Doctor Lavigne specializes in enhanced individuals. A human woman with relationship troubles sounded like your run of the mil case that any therapist would be equipped to handle.

But throw in time traveling cheaters, Super Soldiers and a murderous best friend with magical powers, And he had her attention,

"Why don't we take it a little bit further back now, Tell me about your relationship with Mr Rogers during the Blip." Doctor Lavigne says, jotting down something in her brown leather notebook that rests on her lap.

"Why?" Anastasia asks, her heart pounding in her chest.

She's doing this to prevent herself from slipping further into a drinking problem.

Not to talk about Steve.

"I would like to have a better understanding about what lead to your break up."

Swallowing down a gulp of her lukewarm tea,

"Well a few months ago-" Anastasia starts but is cut off,

"I'd prefer if you start at the beginning, actually."

"At the beginning?" Anastasia's face twists with confusion.

"Yes, How would you describe your relationship in the beginning?" Doctor Lavigne asks, adjusting her black framed glasses that rest on the bridge of her nose.

"...It was perfect." Anastasia replies, her throat burning as her eyes begin to gloss over.

"Perfect? That's a rather strong word, Don't you think?" The Doctor replies, writing another note down in her book.

"It was. Before he brought P-Peggy Carter back our lives were perfect, That's why I was so shocked and..." Anastasia trails off, Doctor Lavigne eyes her body language carefully.

Taking notes of her fidgeting hands and flaring nostrils as she avoids making eye contact.

"And?" She presses on.

"And that's why I ran when I saw them..." Anastasia finishes.

"Because you were in shock?"

"Wouldn't you be?" Anastasia deflects, her brows twisting together.

Doctor Lavigne takes another note.

"Let's go further back than when he brought Miss Carter back. Can you give me an example of how your relationship was perfect?"

"I don't understand why this matters, our relationship is over. I'm just trying to include him in our daughters life, I'm in a relationship with Bucky now."

"Yes, Mr Rogers best friend, As I understand." She states with a tilt of her head.

"Hardly." Anastasia recoils.

"Miss Miller, I'm here to help you. But in order to do that to the best of my capabilities, I have to understand the full story."


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