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Two and a half weeks later, Thanksgiving Westview, New Jersey

Bucky scoops the fussing Rosie up from her bouncing seat that rests between his and Anastasia's seats at the table, soothing her as Sam dramatically leans back in the cushioned leather chair.

"Damn, y'all really outdid yourselves this year!" He exclaims with his hands falling to his sweater covered belly.

"He's right, The dinner was delicious! And thank you all again for inviting me." Bruce beams happily from beside Sam.

"You don't need to keep saying thank you, Bruce. We're happy you came." Anastasia smiles, glancing to Bucky as he smirks proudly.

They couldn't wait to have everyone over to their new house, And thanksgiving seemed like the perfect occasion.

And they invited everyone! Well, Almost everyone.

Unfortunately, The Starks are spending Thanksgiving with Peppers family this year but they promised to make the trip upfor Christmas.

And the Barton's got hit with a blizzard over night, So they called this morning to let them know that they decided to stay at the farm because the kids wanted to play in the snow.

"Exactly! And besides, Nobody should be alone on Thanksgiving." Wanda said reassuringly, her soft Turkey stuffed gaze resting on Bruce.

But what she, And everyone else for that matter, failed to see was the way Anastasia's jaw fell momentarily slack at her best friends words.

Her guilty eyes falling quickly to the empty plates and messy serving trays which are currently covering the dark wood table.

She tries to push the intrusive thought how Steve might be spending the holiday, Out of her head as quickly as it comes, But still it feels as if the wind has just been knocked out of her.

"Rosie, Do you wanna watch Daddy's team win the big game? Hmm? Yes know you do." Bucky jokingly coos.

His angelic voice pulling Anastasia back from her thoughts as she turns to focus her attention on the gorgeous man beside her.

"Why don't you guys go start the game while our stomachs settle?" She says with a forced smile.

"Fine, But The Giants are definitely gonna lose, Buck. No way they're beating The Patriots this year!" Sam declares, standing to his feet and rounding the table alongside Bucky.

"Hey, you don't know that! They're due for a comeback!" Bucky protests, giving Anastasia a quick kiss on her salty lips with Rosie in his arm, Before following Sam out into the living room.

Wanda's gaze falls behind Vision to the small kitchen window, about 20 feet away from where she sits in the dining room. Her eyes going wide as she sees the thick snowflakes blowing through the air.

"Vis!" She gasps, her pointer finger shooting up to direct his attention, "We'll be right back! I wanna get a picture of the snow!"

She excitedly exclaims, Jumping to her bare feet as she pulls the chuckling Vision up behind her.

Anastasia watches them slip their boots on by the back door before they disappear out into the yard, And then her gaze drifts back to the only person whom is left at the table.

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