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After her long chat with Wanda last night, Anastasia found it impossible to turn her brain off. Even though her body was exhausted from all the running around she did, Her mind wouldn't allow her to rest. She stayed in the living room by herself long after Wanda had finally gone to sleep. Drifting off roughly two hours before being woken up by the blinding sun at 7am as it peered in through the living room window, she decided to begin making breakfast for everyone just to have something to do.

She scoured the cabinets and pulled all the ingredients to make red velvet cinnamon rolls, Wanting to recreate the same ones she and Bucky had shared on their first trip to Stassie's Sweet Shoppe two months ago.

"Oh, You're up early." Vision says with a tilt of his head as he creeps into the kitchen behind her.

The rising sun shining in through the small  window to illuminate Anastasia's red curls, But as she turns 'round to face him, He also notices her deeply sunken in eyes.

"Yeah, I hope you don't mind, I kinda helped myself to... Well, everything." She forces a laugh.

Scooping a glob of cream cheese frosting from the hand-mixers whisk and plopping it into her mouth.

"You know anything ours is yours, Annie." He smiles cautiously.

Nearing her to wash his hands at the sink, He also catches a whiff of alcohol on her breath.

"So," He clears his throat, "Wanda told me you'll be staying for the weekend?"

"Yep." She pops the 'P' at the end, Taking a sip of her Irish coffee.

"I think it'll be good for us to have a little break from everyone else." She adds, letting the warm sweet coffee and smoke flavored whiskey dance on her tongue.

Out of the girls, Wanda has always been the drinker of the two. Now, more so because she loves collecting the beautiful and elegant bottles. But even as teenagers, she was always the one convincing Anastasia to raid the towers bar on sleepovers.

It's one of the many reasons that in the first few months following the snap, Anastasia found herself lost in a sea of alcohol. Even though she wanted to numb away the memory of her best friend and brothers, she still found herself doing things that reminded her of them.

However once she vowed to start living the way she knew they would have wanted her too, She poured all her liquor down the drain and attended that first grief counseling meeting the following day. She only drank socially after that, And the only social events that called for alcohol were the handful of yearly Stark parties she and Steve would attend together.

Last night was the first sip she's had since before her pregnancy, All the way back at Tony's New Years Eve party eleven months ago.

"I missed waking up to homemade pastries." Wanda yawns, shuffling into the kitchen in her blue robe and fuzzy slippers.

"Good morning, Darling." Vision hums, gliding across the kitchen to cup her face and kiss her gently.

"Good morning, Vis," She whispers back against his lips, her eyes shifting over to fall on Anastasia as they part,

"I need coffee and an Advil. My head is pounding after last night." She whines.

"I have something better than Advil." Anastasia grins, picking one of the glass mugs up and handing it to her.

Wanda smirks as she takes a sniff, getting a drop of whip cream on her nose as she coughs at the unexpected strong scent.

"You made drinks? And for breakfast?" She chuckles, impressed. Taking a large sip as she allows her eyes to fall closed.

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