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December 27th, Anastasia's Birthday

Yesterday was less than eventful, The awkward and unspoken tension between Steve, Anastasia and Bucky made it so everyone was quick to eat breakfast and head straight for the door.

Steve stuck to Sam's side like glue the entire morning, He didn't leave the guest room until Sam confirmed he was awake downstairs via text.

He also refused Morgan's pleas to play with her new toys because Anastasia was already seated next to her on the ground, He didn't want to give Bucky anymore reason not to trust him.

But ignoring the pout on Morgan's angelic little face nearly broke him, Thankfully though, he at least got to tend to Rosie once she was fed and passed off to Sam.

Bucky kept himself busy cooking and  immediately cleaning up the second everyone was finished eating, Taking his first relaxing breath of the day only after the house was cleared out.

Curling up on the couch with Rosie as Anastasia faked a headache and went upstairs to nap.

Yet again, Everything feels like it's crumbling around her and she doesn't have the faintest idea how to go about fixing it. And unfortunately for her, And everyone else who cares about her, Doctor Lavigne is still on vacation for another week.

Anastasia went to sleep last night praying her birthday could slip past unnoticed, Given how much Bucky spoiled her on Christmas, The last thing she wants is for him to gift her anything else.

The only thing she wants to do when she crawls out of bed today is curl up on the couch beside Bucky and Rosie, To snuggle her family and watch her favorite movies. And maybe have Wanda and Vision over for dinner.

Thankfully the group hasn't mentioned anything about her birthday all week long, So it appears she might just get her wish.

However, She should know Bucky would never forget his Doll's birthday,

Knowing Anastasia will sleep for as long as possible, By 9:45 he's already gotten Rosie fed, Changed, Dressed, And brought her down to Wanda and Vision's house for them to babysit until it's time for the surprise party.

Bucky sits down beside Anastasia's sleeping body, Covering her face in gentle kisses as she stirs awake.

"Happy Birthday, Doll." He whispers sweetly in her ear.

"Mmm, five more minutes." She groans, trying to drag his body down against hers but he pulls her up into his arms instead.

"I'm sorry, Stassie, But you've got to get up now." He chuckles.

"Where's Rosie?" She asks, Her eyes still closed as she nuzzles into his chest, Realizing the house seems far too quiet.

"She's good, She's with her Aunt and Uncle."

Anastasia suspiciously peaks one eye open, Gazing up at him.


"So I can join you for your morning shower, Uninterrupted." His seductive tone causes her core to go warm.

"You sent our daughter away so you can fuck me in the shower?" She asks, gliding her tongue between her lips as she opens her eyes fully.

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