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"It's not you, Steve. You're not the father." Sam says, firmly grasping onto Steve while the girls leave.

"How do you know, Sam?!" He snaps, Watching the elevator door close with the down arrow lighting up on the wall above.

"Because she told me that you aren't."

"And you believed her?!" Steve furrows his brows, Shoving Sams hand away.

"I have no reason not too." Sam snaps.

"FUCK!" Steve screams, Running his fist through the nearest wall.

Sam stands frozen, He's known Steve for nearly 12 years, And never once has heard him swear, Let alone punch a wall out of anger.

He's the most even tempered person he knows...

Steve grew back his fist, Glancing down at the blood pooling on his already bruised knuckles. He groans, charging toward the emergency exit.

What the fuck is going on with these two.. Sam asked himself, Watching Steve take off.

Charging down the concrete staircase, Determined to find Anastasia.

She has to listen to me.

Standing in the lobby his eyes scan through the crowd of Stark employees until finally, He spots her mess of red hair as she climbs into a cab across the street. Running out of the building, He begins chasing the cab on foot, Not stopping until he realizes what street they've turned into.

His stomach drops, Suddenly losing the nerve he had moments ago in a flash. He ducks down the alley across the street so that the girls don't see him as they make their way into the small pink building.

December 2020,

"Where are you taking me?" Anastasia giggles, Holding Steve's arm close to her shivering body as he leads her down the near empty sidewalk.

When she got off work from Peter Pans Donut Shop tonight, Her boyfriend Steve was waiting outside with a blind fold and grinning ear to ear.

Even with her scarf and thick winter coat on, It's no match for the frigid December cold, Struggling to keep up with Steve's fast pace as her boot heels click against the concrete.

"Just a little bit further, Sweetheart." Steve hums.

He knows how much Anastasia loves baking, And he hates that she is wasting her skills working at a run down donut shop. Not to mention her creep of a boss, Mickey, Had made numerous passes at her until Steve started coming around.

He's spent the last few months whenever she was busy at work, Out searching for the perfect location for her to open her own bakery.

Knowing she would never be able to afford the space and all of the remodeling it would need on her own, He didn't think twice about buying the building for her as a surprise birthday - Christmas combo present.

His stomach swirls with nerves as he stops in front of the run down store front, Wrapping his arms around her from behind to stop her from moving. He brings her body to face the building.

The chipped brown bricks are illuminated by the tall street lights making the place look grim, But he prays she'll be able to see his vision for the space and not be disappointed.

Swallowing down his growing nerves as he kisses the top of her head.

"Stevie? Are we here?" She asks sweetly, Holding his strong arms around her tiny waist as she sways to either foot.

"Are you ready?" He hesitates as she nods excitedly, Reaching up to pull the blindfold loose,

"Surprise!" He exclaims.

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