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Present day, Westview 7:15pm.

After how angry Bucky was last night, Anastasia couldn't bring herself to tell him about Steve coming to the festival tonight. Adopting the 'we'll cross that bridge when we get to it' Philosophy for the day. She tried her best to push it out of her mind for their entire ride down to Westview.

She had planned to ask Wanda for help to ease the news, But when they entered the bathroom alone to begin doing their makeup Wanda immediately demanded they not ruin their evening with any mention of Steve's name, so she forced an uncomfortable laugh and focused on getting ready for the next few hours.

"Darling?" Vision calls, Slowly opening the bathroom door to reveal Wanda coating her pearl white wig in hair spray as Anastasia touches up her red lipstick in the mirror.

"Yes, Vis?" Wanda replies.

"The Barton's and Starks have arrived."

"Shit, what time is it?!" Anastasia asks, pulling her phone out from the makeup bag to see a text from Sam,

"Stuck in traffic, Gonna be a little late." 52 minutes ago.

"I think we're just about ready, Don't you?" Wanda asks, Giving Anastasia's platinum blonde wig a small fluff.

Anastasia breathes out a harsh breath, Nausea rising in her throat at the impending scene that will ensue the second the group sees Steve.

"Yeah, Yeah let's go." Anastasia darts past Vision and out into the hall.

"That was a little strange..." Wanda says, furrowing her brows as she nears Vision.

"You look ravishing, Darling." He hums, taking her in his arms.

"And you make a very handsome Knight." She beams, leaning in to kiss him tenderly with the door bell echoing in the distance,

"That must be Samy." She says with a roll of her eyes.

"You know it's very important to Annie that he's here, Darling. Try not to hold onto that little grudge of yours for the entire evening." He says, gently stroking her cheek to make her eyes meet his.

"Fine, I'll try."

Anastasia emerges downstairs to find Bucky sat on the couch in his Mad Hatter costume, Laughing as little Nathaniel does his best Scooby doo impression.

Clint and Laura are matching with Velma and Shaggy costumes, Lila wearing a classic Daphne costume and Cooper as the Spooky Space Kook.

"Wow! You guys look great!" Anastasia exclaims, Greeting Clint and Laura in a group hug.

"Auntie Annie!" Morgan shouts, breaking way from Tony's arms to crash against her legs.

"Hey squirt! Woah, are you Dorothy?!" She asks excitedly, hyping Morgan up.

"Yes! Daddy is the lion and Mommy is Glinda!"

The door bell rings and sends a heavy pit into her stomach. Seeing Bucky rise to stand, Anastasia snaps,

"No!" Gaining confused expressions from everyone,

"I mean no, I-I'm already up, Baby. I'll get it." She smiles anxiously, rushing toward the door across the room.

Baby? Bucky's brows twist together.

She's strictly called him Bucky, Buck or Bear for over two months now.

She pulls the door open to find Sam standing in his full Absalom costume, With an aggravated expression on his face. Steve is beaming joyfully next to him, Her heart swirling at the sight of this beautifully large man donning his bunny eared top hat with an oversized pocket watch that she picked out hanging around his neck.

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