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Steve didn't realize that the elevator had stopped, Or that the door had opened. Too consumed by Anastasia's hateful words from earlier in the day.

I've never seen her so angry...

I've never heard her curse so much before.

"Steve?" Peggy's voice calls out, Getting no response.

"Steven, Is that you?" She tries again, This time pulling him from his racing mind.

He slides his sweaty palm across his face to ground himself, Waltzing off the elevator and into the dimly lit suite.

"Yep, Just me." He replies, following her voice to find her sitting at the small wooden kitchen table.

"Fancy a cuppa? I picked up some biscuits on my way home this evening." She motioned to the brown box sat between them.

"No thanks, I really need a shower." He offers her a forced smile, turning back towards the bedroom.

"Hold on a moment!" She calls, Stopping him where he stands as he waits for her to finish.

She rounds his body to face him, Reaching up to kiss his lips.

All he can of is if Bucky is kissing Anastasia right beneath his feet.

He glides his tongue into Peggy's mouth to deepen her kiss, begging his body to feel something for the woman standing in front of him. She moans slightly into his mouth, The more his thoughts race, the more he tries to drown them out with the taste of her.

The bitter earl grey tea mixed with what he guessed were ginger snap cookies, Peggy's favorite.

Ana always made the best cookies.

Lifting Peggy onto the counter, He tugs her skirt up to her waist, she breaks away from their kiss.

"Steven," She pants out, He runs his hands up her thighs,

"We're in the kitchen!" She gasps, Glancing down to the bulge protruding from his gray sweatpants.

"We have the whole floor to ourselves, Pegs, It'll be fun." He begs, leaning in to search for her lips as she pivots away.

"I think we can have just as much fun in the bedroom." Her eyes going wide as she pushes against his chest, Stepping back to give her space to hop down.

Ana loved being spontaneous.

"Actually, I think I'm gonna take that shower. I don't want to stain the sheets with sweat." He sighs, Leaving Peggy alone in the kitchen, Confused by his sudden coldness.

Being with Peggy was nothing like he had imagined all those years he spent away from her.

She's rigid and unwilling to try new things, Especially when it comes to their sex life.

He isn't sure if it's because she's used to being so proper in the military or because she's still trapped in the mindset from the forties. Regardless, every time she's brushed off one of his advances these past few months, It never fails to make him long for how fun and adventurous Anastasia was when they were together.

She gifted him a book filled with different sex positions for their first Valentine's, He almost had a heart attack flipping through it for the first time. After his pulse returned to normal, They began making their way through the entire book, Trying out each one. And once they finished trying out positions, They moved onto roleplay. It wasn't long before they both became deeply enthralled in a Dom / Sub dynamic.

He shook his head, The water turning to ice from how long he's been standing with his head against the cold tile wall lost in his own mind.
As if he were trying to wash the thoughts of Anastasia down the drain. Sighing, he finally steps out of the shower.

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