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Anastasia is woken up by the sound of muffled voices in the distance, as she blinks herself awake she's met with an excruciating pain in her head from the apparent hangover.

As she buries her face in between the two pillows on the bed and groans, she tries to think back to yesterday.

She can only seem to remember bits and pieces, Like browsing the bookstore, Shopping for makeup, Entering Luke's diner and then eating pizza before putting Rosie to bed.

She hasn't had that much alcohol at once in over a year.

"I can't believe I let myself slip up like this." She mumbles, her chest heavy with disappointment.

But before her mind has time to scold itself further, she hears a loud slam followed by intense shouting, And then the sound of Rosie crying.

Springing up from the bed in a blind panic, She races downstairs to follow the commotion out onto the lawn.

Whipping the front door open, The first person she sees is Bucky holding Rosie to the right. With a scowl on his face, as he and Sam shout over one another.

To the left, Vision stands holding Wanda back by having his arms snaked around her as she shouts,

"Remove the stick from your ass, Samy! She was just trying to relax!"

Upon hearing the door open, All their attention falls to Anastasia, Watching her emerge in only  Bucky's sweater and with her curly mane spilling out in every direction.

"Do you wanna tell them or should I?!" Sam barks directly at her, Nausea rising in her throat as Bucky tries to soothe the crying baby.

"Wha-What are you talking about, Samy? W-Why are you even here?" She stammers out, Racking her brain with what could have possibly happened yesterday to lead to this moment.

No, No I wouldn't talk to Samy drunk...

"Go crawl back up Steve's ass, Sam! We're having a nice weekend and you have no right to barge in like this!" Wanda threatens as Vision continues to restrain her with a 'Darling, Please.'

"Anastasia! Tell them!"

"Tell them what?! I don't know what you're talking about, Samy! Just go home!" Anastasia deflects, Her eyes locked steady on Sam.

He wouldn't.

He wouldn't do this.

"Tell us what?!" Bucky growls, His scowl darting between his distraught doll and Sam.

If he hadn't been feeding Rosie when Sam showed up, He would have already run Sam's head through a wall.

"Anastasia Robyn Miller!"


"DID YOU DRINK YESTERDAY?!" He screams, Taking a few steps away from his car, in her direction as tears begin to prick her eyes.

"I had a drink! I had a drink with Wanda, I'm a fucking adult, Samy! I'm twenty five I can have a fucking drink if I want one!"

Vision, Wanda and Bucky's intense gazes dart between Sam and Anastasia as the siblings scream over each other. Not a member of the trio having the faintest clue what they're talking about.

"So you wanna be like them then?!"

"Shut up!"

"You wanna-"

"SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT THE FUCK UP, SAMY!" Anastasia screams, her few tears turning to heavy streams down her cheeks,


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