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Today went by in a flash, Bucky and Anastasia woke up early in the morning with Rosie. And after a relaxing home-cooked breakfast with Wanda and Vision, The family of three made their way safely back home to The Tower, with Anastasia sleeping away most of the drive just as Rosie did.

They made it up to Bucky's suite without crossing paths with Steve nor Sam, A fact Anastasia was extremely thankful for.

Still feeling immense guilt from the prior day, The last thing she wanted to do was speak with either of them.

Vision passed on Bruce's number before they left Westview. The overdue phone call was painfully awkward for both Anastasia and Bruce, Who was caught completely off guard. However he still agreed to meet with her at Stassie's Sweet Shoppe for breakfast on Monday morning to "catch up.", Because she didn't want to get into the exact details over the phone. And although it was awkward, It was nice to hear his voice.

He, Of course, Immediately called Tony once the conversation ended. Being the gossiper of the Avengers, Tony has told Bruce nearly every detail about the Steve, Peggy, Anastasia, And Bucky situation from the very beginning. Which is why Bruce opted to not attend the surprise baby shower, Or the Halloween Festival even though Tony invited him to both.

He had a front row seat to Steve bringing Peggy back all those months ago, And he tried to contact Anastasia a dozen times to check on her since. But due to her change of number and determination to cut ties with everyone except for Sam, Reaching out to Bruce hadn't crossed her mind.


Once arriving back to the tower, Anastasia tried to force a happy expression through the rest of their day, Focusing mostly on Rosie in effort to keep her warring mind distracted. Bucky did his best to let her be, Snuggling both his girls up on the couch and cooking he and Anastasia pasta for dinner so they wouldn't have to leave the suite. And carefully avoiding the mention of Sam and Steve's names as to not upset her.

Now at 9:30pm, With Rosie fast asleep in her nursery, Anastasia pads her bare feet across the dimly lit suite in her pink satin pjs and white cardigan, to where Bucky awaits in their bedroom.

But as she enters the dark room that is only illuminated by Friends playing on the television in front of the bed, She finds Bucky is already sound asleep while sitting up against the pillows.

Sighing, she turns on her heel to leave back the way she came. Heading straight for the freezer, craving something sweet.

"Come on, there has to be something up here!" She mutters, Shuffling the bags of frozen fruit which Bucky had bought for smoothies, out of the way.

"Fuck this." she grumbles closing the freezer door shut,

"I'll go straight down and back." Pulling her cardigan closed as she storms onto the elevator.

Growing more and more frustrated as the anxiety builds in her chest with each passing ding of the elevator on her decent to the towers kitchen.

After everything that's happened in the last two months, The least she should be able to do is roam about this damned place comfortably.

As the elevator dings open, Wave of relief washes over her, Seeing the main kitchen floor is dark.

Switching the hall light on, She makes her way to the walk-in freezer, determined to find ice cream.

Chills dance along her spine as she enters the bright frozen box, Her eyes sparkling at the collection of ice cream displayed before her. With nearly every flavor imaginable laying on the first two rows of the long shelf.

After carefully shuffling through her options, She pulls a pint of Ben and Jerry's Brownie Batter Core & also a pint of Ben and Jerry's Caramel Chocolate Cheesecake.

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