SS24: Akabane Karma - My Regards

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After about half an hour, the person I had been waiting for finally arrived.

"Yo," I greeted with a smile, raising my arm.

"What are you doing here?" she questioned immediately, narrowing her eyes.

"What? Can't I come say goodbye to one of my dearest senpais?"

She moved her head from left to right and allowed her backpack to fall to the floor next to her baggage. She took a step closer, crossing her arms.

"You're not one for charity, Karma. What do you want?"

"My, how cold," I laughed, raising my hands in surrender. "Relax, I just want to talk."

"Be quick, my dad's waiting for me," she signalled to the entrance of the school campus where a man was waiting, leaning against his car.

I shrugged. "He'll have to be patient then—"


I laughed softly. "Fine... I didn't expect you to sacrifice yourself for your class."

"It was the best course of action."

"It was foolish." I retorted bitter. "Whoever convinced you of doing it manipulated you completely."


I blinked.

"You agree?"

"I do. It is possible that I was just used to thwart your plans or Nagumo's. Nevertheless, I'm convinced it was the right choice."

I blinked again.

How could she arrive to that conclusion? If it was obvious to her that she was being used, then why follow along? She was one of the best students in third-year, without her, there's no hope for her class to defeat Horikita-senpai.... not that there was much hope anyway.

She chuckled, seeing my face.

"It must sound ludicrous for someone like you: self-sacrifice."

You can say that again.

"But this is the best shot we've had since we started our first year."

"They have no hope without you."

"You overestimate me. Besides, there's still Ishikura-kun. He isn't like Horikita-kun, of course, but he is a capable leader."

We glared at each other for a few seconds. Then, I sighed and brushed the matter off.

"Well, I guess it's no business of mine what happens with that class of yours... but will you be okay?"

She cocked her head slightly. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Whatever happens with Class B, you won't be a part of it."

She seemed puzzled for a moment, but as she understood my words, a tender smile formed on her face.

"I accepted that fact when I agreed to not use the revocation of expulsion the school allowed."

"Hmm." I shook my head. "I truly can't understand why you would accept such a thing, but if you're fine with it..."

"You know, I'm almost starting to believe you're worried for me," she chuckled humorously.

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