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In front of the King's Cross Station, a limousine stopped.

Harry stepped out of the luxurious car, and behind him was his mother, Albedo, and LupusRegina walked behind them.

The people around started to look their way, and some took photos.

Harry wore a tuxedo with a green tie, and his mother a white dress. Harry's personal maid was close by and stopped many who wanted to get closer.

The uproar was visible throughout most of the station, but a newly arrived family ignored it. They were too occupied taking all their belongings from a small car, in it was 7 people, and it seems that they also had 5 trunks with their belongings. It was almost an impossible feat to do if they were not a wizard. They were the Weasleys, who were taking their time with their trunks.

The first of the Weasleys to take everything necessary was Ginny. She was desperate since her brothers were taking too long, especially because the twins just charmed Percy's trunk to be glued to the car. But it backfired as Percy's trunk was close to theirs, and George's trunk ended up next to his, or was it Fred's?

Ginny entered the station and realized something. The group of people went in the opposite direction of platform 9 3/4. She was relieved that there would be no problem with the Muggles, then she suddenly saw him pass by on her right.

Harry Potter, passed close to her. He was with his mother and a woman dressed in maid ropes. She did not notice him until he was already too far.

She looked at him while he was walking with disinterest to the platform 9 3/4. He wanted to go to the platform now, but his family was still nowhere in sight. She could go at that moment, but she decided to stay. She would feel bad for her mother, who wanted to be with her.


Harry passed the pillar, and look around, and found that Hermione was already talking to Pansy. 'They really are best friends. It is most likely that they agreed beforehand to arrive together.' Thought Harry.

Harry went with his family to greet them. Wendell and Perseus were talking and laughing, while both women just shook their heads.

"Oh, Ms Suzuki! It's good to see you. Good day young Harry", said Perseus. The parents started to talk to themselves, and Albedo continued talking with a smile. Nothing was wrong in that small talk, except that everyone was looking in their direction.

Harry approached the girls, "Long time without seeing you two together". Both girls looked at him as if they wanted to murder him.

"What? The last time I saw you were back on my birthday", Harry said defensibly.

Pansy crossed her arms and looked at Harry with a frown, "yes, well, we do not appreciate that you left us with those mug... those non-wizards." Hermione turned to see her, and Pansy said, "I will not call them Maho Nashi."

Harry shrugged, "you seem like you could handle it, and if you needed help Hermione could help you."

Hermione put her hands on her hips, "Harry, do you know what you did when you left us there saying we were your "special personal guests" while hugging us?"

"I gave you enough protection so the more smug people won't bother you", said Harry dismally.

Both girls sighed at the same time, Hermione only turned to Pansy, "you handle him. I am starting to guess that he does not do it on purpose, but again..." Hermione trailed off when she looked at her parents.

It was the truth that her parents were doing well even without the sudden amount of money they received from her great-grandfather. But now they have not only an enormous amount of money, and properties in Canada wizarding world, and a couple of in England. They also have received a non-wizard company. The surprise sent her mother to the hospital for a heart attack. It was Harry's family that helped them manage everything.

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