Chapter 84

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Takemichi was now glaring at Sanzu as Sanzu was looking at Takemichi with a smirk.

Sanzu:"I'd knew you'd come, Hanagaki Takemichi. I've heard that you're looking for Mikey-Kun I still can't believe that by your own you were able to cause such disaster in our residence, you better have a lot of money pal because the damaged caused by you it's a lot." he said with a smirk on his face.

Takemichi just scoffed as he moved so fast it appeared blur and went to punch Sanzu in the face,only for Sanzu to move his head avoiding the punch.

Takemichi eyes widen.

Takemichi:( Wait, what? I thought I got him!!!!) he thought in his head before he was sent flying, but manage to land on his feet however he fell on his knees due to receiving a Kyokushin Karate punch in the stomach and was holding it in pain.

Sanzu:"Oh, I guess you don't want to talk now, huh? You may have beaten The Executives of Bonten, but I'm a different deal." he told Takemichi.

Takemichi slowly got back up holding his stomach in pain, but his eyes widen once he saw that Sanzu was already infront of him.

Sanzu:"No, hard feelings. You're fast I give you that, but you got no technique." he said with a smile as Takemichi body ended up crashing straight on the ground of the 'King Room', because Sanzu striked him with a palm strike across the face.

Takemichi body was now laying on a crater as Sanzu grabbed a sirenge and stabbed himself in the arm, and the liquid that was inside was adrenaline.

Sanzu:"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH, YEAH!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!"he yelled in excitment.

Takemichi:( I need to find Mikey-Kun, but damn it this crackhead is freaking strong!!! He took me out with 2 hits!!!!) he thought in his head.

Sanzu, now full of adrenaline, then picked up Takemichi with one hand and pulled him in a rear naked choke, making it impossible for Takemichi to breath.

Sanzu:"Just, go to sleep and never wake up. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" he said as Takemichi then ended up elbow him in the ribs to try to break out from Sanzu rear naked choke.

However it proved nothing as Sanzu manage to put Takemichi to sleep.

Sanzu then dropped Takemichi on the ground and called Mikey.

Sanzu:"President, I got him." he said with a creepy smile on his face.

Mikey:"Just leave him there, I'll take care of him later." he told Sanzu.

Sanzu:"Yes, sir!!!" he said happily.

Mikey:"Oh and remember that in there, there isn't only him....." he warned Sanzu.

Sanzu:"Huh?" however before he could've gotten an answer from Mikey, Mikey simply hang on Sanzu.

Sanzu:"..................Hmmm...... Weird, if there was someone. I would've have been warned from the other minions of Bonten already." he said before he felt a pain on his ribs and fell on one knee.

Sanzu:( F*CK!!!! AARGH!!!! I'LL NEED TO GO TO AN HOSPITAL!!!!! THIS MOTHERF*CKER REALLY FRACTURED THE LEFT SIDE OF MY RIBS!!!!!!! HE MANAGED TO COUNTERATTACK AT LAST DESPITE ME BEING THE ONE IN THE ADVANTAGE AND FULL OF ADRENALINE!!!!! IF I HADN'T CAUGHT HIM OFF HIS GUARD, QUICKLY........Tch, it doesn't matter, I just need to get this wild f*cker back in the 'Happy Room', so that I can finish him with a smile just like Mikey-Sama wants!!!) he thought in his head as he stabbed himself with a second dose of adrenaline to regain some strength and help himself get back up.

Sanzu, after regaining his strength he went to grab the passed out Takemichi, before all of the sudden Takemichi body jumped in the air as a silhuette of Y/n appeared next to him as he was copying Y/n Taekwondo.

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