Chapter 34

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After Takashi Mitsuya got taken down by Seishu Inui, Takemichi and Chifuyu decided to avenge their fallen comrade and went to attack the top 3 of the 10th Generation of Black Dragons.

Takemichi and Chifuyu:"BLACK DRAGONS!!!! YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THIS YOU A**HOLES!!!!" they both yelled as they charge towards Taiju Shiba, Seishu Inui and Hajime Kokonoi.

Taiju just smirked before Mitsuya, who slowly manage to recover called them out.

Mitsuya:"W-Wait, guys!!" he yelled as he was holding his head in pain as blood was coming out.

Takemichi and Chifuyu eyes widen once they saw Mitsuya slowly recovering from the hit he had just received from Inui.

Takemichi:"M-Mitsuya-Kun?!?" he said surprise to see him on his feet.

Mitsuya:"I'm.....I'm alright.......So cool it, would ya?" he asked with a smirk on his face before he almost lost his balance.

Hakkai:"T-Taka-Chan don't over do it!!!" he yelled as Mitsuya then fell on his knees.

Mitsuya:"Takemicchi.......Chifuyu-Kun......Calm down and listen carefully, okay?" he asked the two delinquents.

Takemichi and Chifuyu then nodded.

Takemichi:"Okay, Mitsuya-Kun." he said.

Mitsuya:"The situation is not totally hopeless.......Taiju-Kun's is a total beast and the other two are probably insanely strong. Compared to them........Chifuyu-Kun you're beat up. And I can't move that well to be honest........Takemicchi, you're the only one of us who's still in fighting shape.....But if we lose........something even worse will happen to Yuzuha-Chan......Don't worry, everyone.......the other Divisions of the Tokyo Manji Gang are already taking down most of the Black Dragons territory, so that the Elite Squad and Killing Squad of the Black Dragons will be out of the picture.......Out there there's even a bigger fight than here.........So we just have to hold on, until the rest is over with those sorry ass punks.....Once they'll be done, they're gonna come here and finish this.....with the President, Mikey-Kun......" he said with a smile on his face making Takemichi and Chifuyu more confident about the situation.

Takemichi:"We have to thank Y/n-Chan for that...." he said with a sad smile on his face, because that will probably the last time that Y/n will ever help them since she's out of the gang.

Mitsuya:"Yeah.........Because just like me, she would've came here to rescue Yuzuha-Chan and Hakkai-Kun for personal reasons that had nothing to do with the Tokyo Manji Gang. The three of us have to protect them." he said as Takemichi got even more confident as he took a deep breath.

Takemichi:( We got this!!!! Let's go!!! There's a chance to win!!! When Mitsuya-Kun showed up, I got just a little bit hopeful that the Tokyo Manji Gang will come to the rescue....and it will happen!!! We're gonna win this!!!) he thought in his head.

Chifuyu then smiled at Takemichi.

Chifuyu:"You heard that Takemicchi?!? Baji-Kun and the others are coming this way!!! So we got to stay strong until they arrive here and deal with these pieces of sh*t!!!" he said with confidence as Takemichi smiled back at him.

Takemichi then turned to face Inui, Taiju and Kokonoi who were looking at Takemichi in confusion of why he was so excited.

Takemichi:"We're gonna handle this!!! I'm the only one who isn't all beat up completely. But, sh*t I don't know if I can take on those three by myself, hehehe." he said as he laughed akwardly realizing, who he had to face right now and was sweating in fear.

Kokonoi then smirked.

Kokonoi:"Oi!! Are you guys gonna keep us waiting forever, now?" he asked arrogantly as both him and Taiju were grinning evilly at Takemichi as Inui kept his blank expression.

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